Presentation of ongoing Master Thesis project: Prevent the worlds doom, consume a healthy legume!

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Students: Sara Da Silva Lernstål & Konstantin Kiratsopoulos, Civilekonomprogrammet på Jönköping International Business School Title of the thesis: Prevent the worlds doom, consume a healthy legume! Number of credits: 30 hp Supervisor: Adele Berndt What is you thesis work about? The purpose of our thesis is to explore the attitudes, and underlying key components, affecting health-conscious… Fortsätt läsa Presentation of ongoing Master Thesis project: Prevent the worlds doom, consume a healthy legume!

Studentprojekt / Student projects

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The following student projects are running or planned: Spring term 2017 / Vårterminen 2017: Camilla Olsson – Farmer views on legume cultivation, 30 hp, SLU, Handledare Georg Carlsson Konstantinos Kiratsopoulos and Sara Da Silva Lernstål, Consumer preferences of legume foods, 2 x 30 hp, JIBS, Handledare Adele Berndt Christina Hultman – Root nodulus in Swedish legume farming, 30 hp,… Fortsätt läsa Studentprojekt / Student projects

Time to start the project!

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On the 18th-19th of January 2017 the project starts with an internal workshop in Malmö. For two days, we get to know each other better and plan the project. Many thanks to Oatly that hosts us this time! The workshop also coincides with the Global Pulse Day.