New study on meat analogues made of protein isolates from Swedish pulses

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In a study published in Foods by the New Legume Foods team at Linnéuniversitet in collaboration with Lund University, the suitability of the protein isolates made from locally cultivated yellow pea and faba bean to produce meat analogue was investigated. The meat analogues were produced using the high-moisture extrusion technique, a relatively niche technique in… Fortsätt läsa New study on meat analogues made of protein isolates from Swedish pulses

Effects of treatments of Swedish grain legumes investigated

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In a study published in Food Science and Nutrition by the New Legume Foods team at Linnéuniversitetet, the effect of different treatments (boiling, roasting, and germination) when preparing flour from gray pea, yellow pea, white bean, and faba bean were investigated. Functional properties such as water and oil absorption capacity, emulsion and foaming properties, and… Fortsätt läsa Effects of treatments of Swedish grain legumes investigated

New master thesis project started: Environmental impacts of Swedish grain legumes

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Student: Sanna Kruger Persson Tentative title: Environmental impacts of Swedish grain legumes What is your thesis work about? The purpose of my thesis is to increase the knowledge about the environmental impact and resource use of the production of Swedish legumes. I will also investigate if there are potential benefits with producing legumes in Sweden… Fortsätt läsa New master thesis project started: Environmental impacts of Swedish grain legumes

Does common bean form root nodules when grown on a field for the first time? – MSc thesis presentation 19/1

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Christina Hultman, who is studying at the Agriculture Programme – Soil and Plant Sciences at SLU, will present her Master’s thesis entitled: Abundance of root nodules on common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris – a comparison between Swedish fields with and without a recent history of common bean cultivation Friday 19 January 2018, 9.30–10.30 in room Marken,… Fortsätt läsa Does common bean form root nodules when grown on a field for the first time? – MSc thesis presentation 19/1

Presentation of MSc thesis about cultivation and use of grain legumes in food production

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Master student Camilla Olsson, who is attending the Agroecology program at SLU, has performed her MSc thesis within the Project New Legume Foods. Camilla’s study is based on interviews with farmers and food industry representatives about their experiences and perceptions about growing and using grain legumes for human consumption. She will present her thesis on Wednesday… Fortsätt läsa Presentation of MSc thesis about cultivation and use of grain legumes in food production

International conference: Advances in grain legume cultivation and use

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The EU projects EUROLEGUME and LEGATO are organizing a scientific conference to mark the final year of the two projects. The conference will be held in Novi Sad, Serbia, 27-28 September 2017, and is open to anyone interested in research on legumes in broad terms. Read more at

Många baljväxtprojekt på gång! Many legume related projects ongoing!

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Below is a list of projects, companies and initiatives related to legumes. Let us know the ones we missed – Blue cheese tofu based on Swedish fava beans and soybeans, a project which aims at developing a product similar to blue cheese that is based on fava beans and soybeans grown in Sweden.… Fortsätt läsa Många baljväxtprojekt på gång! Many legume related projects ongoing!

Presentation av masterarbete: Rotknölar / Root nodules

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Student: Christina Hultman, läser till mark/växtagronom på SLU Titel/Title: Mängden rotknölar hos Phaseolus vulgaris beror på om trädgårdsbönor odlats kontinuerligt i växtföljden eller inte alls odlats tidigare Antal poäng/credits: 30 hp Handledare/Supervisor: Georg Carlsson Vad handlar ditt kandidatarbete om? What is your thesis about? Mitt examensarbete handlar om kvävefixering kopplat till biomassaproduktion/skörd hos trädgårdsbönor. Målet är att… Fortsätt läsa Presentation av masterarbete: Rotknölar / Root nodules