Eight million Swedish kronor to implement research about Cities with less microplastics


With a total fund of 8 million Swedish crown, Sahar Dalahmeh her collaborators will evaluate contribution of stormwater from roads in polluting the environment with microplastics and will investigate how to integrate green infrastructure into pollutant removal, by assessing the potential, efficiency and design of road-side filters (bark and biochar) for removing MP from stormwater,… Continue reading Eight million Swedish kronor to implement research about Cities with less microplastics

Eliminación de productos farmacéuticos y de cuidado personal en una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales en Jordania


En colaboración con Othman Masahgbeh (RSS- Jordania) y otros investigadores de la Universidad de Lincoln, Sahar Dalahmeh (miembro de nuestro grupo) ha publicado el artículo titulado “Eliminación de productos farmacéuticos y de cuidado personal en una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales en Jordania” en la revista Water. Los autores concluyeron que los productos farmacéuticos… Continue reading Eliminación de productos farmacéuticos y de cuidado personal en una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales en Jordania

Invitación al envío de artículos científicos para el número especial de la revista Applied Sciences titulada “Carbon para el tratamiento de aguas residuales”


El próximo número especial de la revista Applied Sciences (Ciencias Aplicadas), en el cual Sahar Dalahmeh (de nuestro grupo de investigación) es editora invitada, ha comenzado a recibir artículos de investigación completos y documentos de revisión exhaustivos para su revisión por pares y posible publicación. Invitamos a personas interesadas a presentar trabajos innovadores y de… Continue reading Invitación al envío de artículos científicos para el número especial de la revista Applied Sciences titulada “Carbon para el tratamiento de aguas residuales”

The Susana webinar on Sanitation and Employment aired 21/11 is now available online


In this seminar, moderated by Alejandro Jiménez of the Stockholm International Water Institute, different aspects of employment in the sanitation sector are discussed. Rémi Kaupp from WaterAid tells us about the findings presented in a new WHO report on the Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers. Martin Mawajje from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South… Continue reading The Susana webinar on Sanitation and Employment aired 21/11 is now available online

Global Webinar: Sanitation and Employment World Toilet Day 2019


“Ask not what employment can do for sanitation – ask what sanitation can do for employment”. Commemorating World Toilet Day 2019, Sida and partnersincluding SEI, SLU, WaterAid, SIWI, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal and SuSanA invite you to an inspirational webinar about the excellent yet untapped drivers for business, entrepreneurship and job opportunity that the sanitation value… Continue reading Global Webinar: Sanitation and Employment World Toilet Day 2019

Removal of Selected Pharmaceuticals and Personal Products in Wastewater Treatment Plant in Jordan


In collaboration Othman Masahgbeh (RSS- Jordan) and other researchers in Lincoln University, Sahar Dalahmeh from our group has published an article “Removal of Selected Pharmaceuticals and Personal Products in Wastewater Treatment Plant in Jordan” in the journal, Water. The authors concluded that the highest average concentrations of personal care products (PPCPs) which were detected in… Continue reading Removal of Selected Pharmaceuticals and Personal Products in Wastewater Treatment Plant in Jordan

Feature Paper Invitation: Special Issue “Biochar for the Environmental Wastewater Treatments” in Applied Sciences


The following special issue which Sahar Dalahmeh from our research group is guest editing will be published in Applied Sciences, is now open to receive submissions of full research articles and comprehensive review papers for peer-review and possible publication. We invite prospective authors to submit innovative and high-quality papers with original perspectives on any of… Continue reading Feature Paper Invitation: Special Issue “Biochar for the Environmental Wastewater Treatments” in Applied Sciences

Xiaoqin Zhou on research exchange at SLU from USTB


Dr. Xiaoqin Zhou, Assistant Professor of University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) is on a three week research exchange at Kretsloppsteknik. Yesterday, at a lunch seminar organised by the group, Xiaoqin presented about USTB and her own research activities. Specifically, she talked baout “toilet revolution” in rural China and how the country is currently… Continue reading Xiaoqin Zhou on research exchange at SLU from USTB

Social aspects of recycling household wastes: perspectives from Jordan


We were at the Hashemite University in Jordan last week, teaching a group of young students how we can safely recycle different household waste fractions. As part of this week-long course, we organised a day of interactive seminars and a role playing game to improve awareness among the students about the psychology, decision making, and… Continue reading Social aspects of recycling household wastes: perspectives from Jordan