Nutrient Recovery and Reuse – Help Us Design a Systematic Map and Evidence Platform


Research and development of circular nutrient technologies has intensified over the past years, making research output in this field increasingly hard to navigate and keep track of. There is a need for a robust and comprehensive mapping and synthesis of existing relevant research and better brokering of knowledge to policy and practice. Researchers at our… Continue reading Nutrient Recovery and Reuse – Help Us Design a Systematic Map and Evidence Platform

Our new team member Gabriella will work with microplastics!


My name is Gabriella and I have just started working as a research assistant at SLU. I have studied environmental engineering and I graduate recently. My dissertation focused on small-scale water purification and was carried out as an MFS (Minor Field Study) project in the Kenyan capital Nairobi 2019. In Nairobi’s slum Kibera, the possibility… Continue reading Our new team member Gabriella will work with microplastics!

Survey for End of Wastewater project


Robin and Jennifer from the group are collaborating in the End of Wastewater project that is also led by Robin. The aim of the project is to co-create, together with committed Swedish actors, a knowledge brokering and public engagement toolbox to support and encourage acceptance, implementation and upscaling of innovative and sustainable solutions to recirculate nutrients and… Continue reading Survey for End of Wastewater project

Luis successfully defended his PhD thesis!


Luis Fernando Perez Mercado successfully defended his thesis “Farm-based technologies for management of risks from irrigation with wastewater-polluted sources in Cochabamba, Bolivia” on April 16. Link to thesis: A totally new concept with having the evaluation performed over link. All was working well and the defence was a success! Pictures from defence:

Pharmaceutical pollution of water resources in Nakivubo wetlands & Lake Victoria, Uganda


This study investigated the occurrence and removal in wastewater and water bodies in Nakivubo wetland area and Inner Murchison Bay, Lake Victoria, of common prescription and non-prescription pharmaceutically-active substances (PhACs) sold in Kampala city, Uganda. A questionnaire was sent to 20 pharmacies in Kampala, to identify the most commonly sold PhACs in the city. During… Continue reading Pharmaceutical pollution of water resources in Nakivubo wetlands & Lake Victoria, Uganda

Press Release: Nitrogen should be given higher priority than phosphorus when recovering plant nutrients from wastewater


Phosphorus has long been the highest priority when recovering plant nutrients from sewage. However, nitrogen should be given top priority according to a new evaluation of criteria linked to the use of non-renewable resources, vulnerability, and potentially reduced climate impact.  When prioritizing recovery from wastewater, phosphorus often emphasised as it is necessary for all life… Continue reading Press Release: Nitrogen should be given higher priority than phosphorus when recovering plant nutrients from wastewater

SIDA International Training Programme at Kretsloppsteknik


Earlier this week, a few members of Kretsloppsteknik hosted a group of SIDA’s International Training Programme participants in Uppsala. NIRAS on behalf of SIDA implements a number of International Training Programmes. Kretsloppsteknik is involved as part of this program through NIRAS with focus on participants from both Asian and African countries. During these visits, we teach, present, and… Continue reading SIDA International Training Programme at Kretsloppsteknik

Pharmaceuticals in source separated sanitation systems: Fecal sludge and blackwater treatment


In this article, the occurrence and fate of 29 multiple-class pharmaceuticals (PhACs) in two source separated sanitation systems based on: (i) batch experiments for the anaerobic digestion (AD) of fecal sludge under mesophilic (37 °C) and thermophilic (52 °C) conditions, and (ii) a full-scale blackwater treatment plant using wet composting and sanitation with urea addition. For more… Continue reading Pharmaceuticals in source separated sanitation systems: Fecal sludge and blackwater treatment

The Cary 620 FTIR microscopes coupled with Cary 660 IR spectroscopes and FTIR microscopy is ready for microplastic analyses


After investing 1.5 million Swedish Crowns, the new Cary 620 FTIR microscope coupled with Cary 660 IR spectroscopes and FTIR microscopy is finally installed and ready for operation for analyses of microplastics in Department of Energy and Technology. Using the Focal plane array detector and the FTIR spectrophotometer, the instrument will be used to implement… Continue reading The Cary 620 FTIR microscopes coupled with Cary 660 IR spectroscopes and FTIR microscopy is ready for microplastic analyses

Participatory design of biochar filters for small scale wastewater treatment


FORMAS has granted 3 mkr to implement multi-actor engagement and particpatory design approach to understand how socio-technical factors affect the development of biochar-based systems as an alternative for onsite wastewater treatment in Sweden. Based on the participatory design criteria, laboratory and demonstration biochar-based treatment systems will be implemented. The technical performance and maintenance and operation… Continue reading Participatory design of biochar filters for small scale wastewater treatment