Orina deshidratada de Sanitation360: semifinalistas en el Reto de Agua FAMAE


Este año, los miembros del grupo Kretsloppsteknik de SLU iniciaron “Sanitation360”, una empresa nueva que apunta a comercializar la tecnología de deshidratación de orina que se está desarrollando en SLU. Como Sanitation360, participamos en el Reto de Agua FAMAE (“¡Agua Preciosa!”) donde el objetivo era diseñar un producto o servicio simple e innovador para conservar… Continue reading Orina deshidratada de Sanitation360: semifinalistas en el Reto de Agua FAMAE

Urine drying from Sanitation360:Semi-finalists at the FAMAE Water Challenge


This year, members of the Kretsloppsteknik group at SLU started Sanitation360, a startup company which aims to commercialise the urine dehydration technology being developed at SLU. As Sanitation360, we participated in the FAMAE Water Challenge (“Precious Water!”) where the goal was to design a simple and innovative product or service to preserve water, make it… Continue reading Urine drying from Sanitation360:Semi-finalists at the FAMAE Water Challenge

Agricultural field trials on dehydrated urine – “Granurin”


Between December 2018 and February 2019, we installed and used eight family-scale urine dehydrator prototypes in Uppsala. At the end of this period, we managed to produce 40 kg of dry fertiliser (which our collegues in France call “granurin”) with a nitrogen content of 10%. We thus managed to dry nearly 500 L of urine,… Continue reading Agricultural field trials on dehydrated urine – “Granurin”

Kretsloppsteknik at Uppsala city library to discuss our current water-borne sanitation system


Next week, Annika Nordin and Cecilia Lalander, Researchers at Kretsloppsteknik will be at the Uppsala City Library to discuss why our current water-borne sanitation system is not as good as many might think. They will present what we believe will be the future sanitation solutions, which in a better and more efficient way safeguard and… Continue reading Kretsloppsteknik at Uppsala city library to discuss our current water-borne sanitation system

Urine drying research featured in Finnish media


Within the MORTTI project, our group’s urine drying technology is being piloted at Pori Brigade’s military training site in Finland. Earlier this week, as part of an organised media day event, members of our group Caroline Karlsson and Prithvi Simha alongwith MORTTI project partners interacted with several local and national media outlets. Click below to… Continue reading Urine drying research featured in Finnish media

Recycling urine from soldiers as dry fertiliser: Pori Brigade, Finnish Defence Forces


On the 8th of April, the MORTTI project partners organised a media day for our project in Finland that has been operational since the first week of March. This 3-month pilot stabilises and dries human urine collected from soldiers, to be safely recycled as a dry powder fertiliser. The project pilots the urine drying technology… Continue reading Recycling urine from soldiers as dry fertiliser: Pori Brigade, Finnish Defence Forces

Master’s thesis project: identifying logistics for new sanitation systems products


Proposed Title: Identifying effective transport systems and logistics for new sanitation systems that produce fertilisers from human wastes. Credits: 30 credits; Level: AdvancedSubject: Technology or Environmental ScienceStart: As soon as possible Background: In the sanitation sector, there is growing recognition that we urgently need to change the way we handle, treat, and recycle human wastes in our environment.… Continue reading Master’s thesis project: identifying logistics for new sanitation systems products

Student project: Simulation model to support sanitation planning game – nutrient recovery


We are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic student to assist in developing a computer model that simulates the impacts of different technology choices for management of wastewater flows. The model will be incorporated into a serious game that we are developing to guide sanitation planners and decision-makers. The game is a multi-stakeholder, spatial planning… Continue reading Student project: Simulation model to support sanitation planning game – nutrient recovery