Natnael Girma, new PhD student to work on fate of pharmaceuticals & ARG in dried urine fertiliser


My name is Natnael Girma, I’m a Ph.D. student from Ethiopia. I’m currently working on a research project on safe nutrient recovery from source separated urine for sustainable fertilizer production. I recently joined the energy and technology department (kretsloppsteknik unit) at SLU, as a licentiate student to do my research project. The project focuses on… Continue reading Natnael Girma, new PhD student to work on fate of pharmaceuticals & ARG in dried urine fertiliser

Urine drying piloted in collaboration with peeKeep in Arles, France


In October 2019, Jenna Senecal travelled to Arles, France, to connect with Nick Davies from peeKeep. Nick has designed a new toilet and cabin and wanted to test how our alkaline dehydration technology could be integrated. The toilet uses a conveyer belt to transport the excreta and toilet paper to a drying chamber outside (the… Continue reading Urine drying piloted in collaboration with peeKeep in Arles, France

Technical Evaluation of Urine Drying in Pilot Scale – a Field Experiment in Finland


The master thesis, Technical Evaluation of Urine Drying in Pilot Scale – a Field Experiment in Finland (author Caroline Karlsson), is now published at the DiVA portal. In this interesting master project the urine drying technology was tested for the first time in field conditions at a military base in southwestern Finland. For more information:… Continue reading Technical Evaluation of Urine Drying in Pilot Scale – a Field Experiment in Finland

Press Release: Nitrogen should be given higher priority than phosphorus when recovering plant nutrients from wastewater


Phosphorus has long been the highest priority when recovering plant nutrients from sewage. However, nitrogen should be given top priority according to a new evaluation of criteria linked to the use of non-renewable resources, vulnerability, and potentially reduced climate impact.  When prioritizing recovery from wastewater, phosphorus often emphasised as it is necessary for all life… Continue reading Press Release: Nitrogen should be given higher priority than phosphorus when recovering plant nutrients from wastewater

SIDA International Training Programme at Kretsloppsteknik


Earlier this week, a few members of Kretsloppsteknik hosted a group of SIDA’s International Training Programme participants in Uppsala. NIRAS on behalf of SIDA implements a number of International Training Programmes. Kretsloppsteknik is involved as part of this program through NIRAS with focus on participants from both Asian and African countries. During these visits, we teach, present, and… Continue reading SIDA International Training Programme at Kretsloppsteknik

Sanitation360 AB and Science Park Gotland to work together on developing urine drying


Last week, Björn, Jenna and Prithvi were in Visby, on the Island of Gotland to meet with Daniel Freeman from Science Park Gotland (SPG), an organisation that supports new businesses in Gotland to take the next step. We are happy to share that we came to a mutually satisfactory agreement and found a way forward… Continue reading Sanitation360 AB and Science Park Gotland to work together on developing urine drying

Pharmaceuticals in source separated sanitation systems: Fecal sludge and blackwater treatment


In this article, the occurrence and fate of 29 multiple-class pharmaceuticals (PhACs) in two source separated sanitation systems based on: (i) batch experiments for the anaerobic digestion (AD) of fecal sludge under mesophilic (37 °C) and thermophilic (52 °C) conditions, and (ii) a full-scale blackwater treatment plant using wet composting and sanitation with urea addition. For more… Continue reading Pharmaceuticals in source separated sanitation systems: Fecal sludge and blackwater treatment

Anastasija Vasiljev, interna en el proyecto de secado de orina


Me llamo Anastasija Vasiljev. Soy una muchacha serbia terminando mi licenciatura en ingeniería ambiental en la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas del Sudeste de Finlandia. Solo me queda una pasantía y una tesis para terminar completamente con mi programa. En SLU, trabajaré como parte del equipo de investigación de secado de orina. Mis responsabilidades son ayudar… Continue reading Anastasija Vasiljev, interna en el proyecto de secado de orina

Tristan Martin, estudiante de doctorado de INRA (Francia) en Kretsloppsteknik


Mi nombre es Tristan Martin y soy estudiante de doctorado en Francia. Trabajo en el Instituto Nacional para la Investigación Agrícola (INRA, por su sigla en francés), en la valorización agronómica de la orina en Francia y los impactos ambientales asociados a esta valorización. Mi trabajo consiste principalmente en realizar experimentos agronómicos con diferentes fertilizantes… Continue reading Tristan Martin, estudiante de doctorado de INRA (Francia) en Kretsloppsteknik

Capturing nutrients in Urine: Socio-technical evaluation of urine concentrating technologies


The sanitation sector needs innovations with minimal environmental impacts and maximum resource recovery. Separate collection and treatment of urine is one such method. Technologies for dehydrating or concentrating urine are part of the emerging innovations that aim to increase resource recovery from human waste streams. Urine contains a majority of the nutrients found in human… Continue reading Capturing nutrients in Urine: Socio-technical evaluation of urine concentrating technologies