Masters Thesis Student for Urine Drying Project


Our intern Chinmoy Deb from India, has successfully completed all his theory subjects at SLU for the Mater’s program “Soil, Water and Environment” in a duration of one year. In his theory subjects, he had worked with soil-water systems and Geochemical modelling.  Chinmoy has opted for a “One-year Master Thesis” for the rest of the… Continue reading Masters Thesis Student for Urine Drying Project

Defensa de PhD de Jenna Senecal


Felicitamos a Jenna Senecal por su exitosa defensa de tesis doctoral “Recuperación segura de nutrientes de la orina humana: Evaluación del sistema de deshidratación alcalina de la orina y de su capacidad desinfectante”. La discusión con el oponente (Profesor Chris Buckley de la Universidad de KwaZulu Natal), y seguida por la discusión con el comité… Continue reading Defensa de PhD de Jenna Senecal

PhD defence Jenna Senecal


We congratulate Jenna Senecal for a well performed defence of her PhD thesis “Safe Nutrient Recovery from Human Urine – System and Hugiene Evaluation of Alkaline Urine Dehydration”. It was a great discussion with the opponent Professor Chris Buckley from University of KwaZulu Natal, followed by the discussion with the evaluation committee, Ana Soares Cranfield… Continue reading PhD defence Jenna Senecal

Madeleine Fogde Honorary doctor at NJ faculty at SLU


Congratulations and welcome to SLU, we look forward to continue the collaboration in the future. Program Manager Madeleine Fogde is a trained teacher and currently program manager for the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (Siani), which is coordinated by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). Siani has a broad membership base and is a very inclusive… Continue reading Madeleine Fogde Honorary doctor at NJ faculty at SLU

Nueva publicación en secado de orina humana a diferentes temperaturas y medios alcalinos


En un estudio publicado recientemente en Science of the Total Environment, presentamos los resultados de un estudio que investigó el secado de orina humana con mínima pérdida de úrea (el principal compuesto nitrogenado de la orina) en cinco medios alcalinos diferentes (pH> 11) a temperaturas elevadas (50 y 60 ° C). La orina fue añadida… Continue reading Nueva publicación en secado de orina humana a diferentes temperaturas y medios alcalinos

New Publication on drying human urine using different alkaline media & temperatures


In a study recently published in Science of the Total Environment, we present results from a study that investigated drying of fresh source-separated human urine in five different alkaline media (pH > 11) at elevated temperatures (50 and 60 °C) with minimal loss of urea, urine’s principal nitrogen compound. We found that it was possible to concentrate urine 48… Continue reading New Publication on drying human urine using different alkaline media & temperatures

New urine-diverting toilet & test bed for drying urine inaugurated at SLU


On 7th February, we inaugurated our new urine-diverting toilet here at the department of energy and technology, at SLU’s Ultuna campus. The installation was made possible due to a grant from SLU-climate fund that financed the installation together with the Save! Urine diverting flushed toilet from Laufen and SLU’s landlord Akademiska hus. The existing conventional… Continue reading New urine-diverting toilet & test bed for drying urine inaugurated at SLU

Sanitation360 wraps up the Hiedanranta urine drying pilot – Thank you Tampere & Lielahti Manor


Towards the end of January, Jenna Senecal and Viktoria Wiklicky from Kretsloppsteknik were in Tampere, Finland to decomission our 25 L/day urine drying system that was in operation at the basement of Lielahti Manor house. The system was in use in between June 2019 and January 2020, and was a great showcase of the group’s… Continue reading Sanitation360 wraps up the Hiedanranta urine drying pilot – Thank you Tampere & Lielahti Manor