Over the past decades, the idea of a new urban water paradigm has emerged in the context of a broader societal change that promotes a more organic worldview over a mechanistic and technocratic understanding of reality. But what is this new paradigm about?
Tag: socio-technical systems analysis
New Post Doc in the group will work on wastewater sustainability assessment
My name is Priscila Lima and I have just started a postdoc within the Environmental Engineering group. I am originally from Brazil and I have lived in the US and in Denmark for some time. I am an Environmental Engineer that has been working with solid waste management systems ever since my bachelor’s thesis. Most… Continue reading New Post Doc in the group will work on wastewater sustainability assessment
EVAS – a practical tool to assess the sustainability of small wastewater treatment systems in low and lower-middle-income countries
Claudia Cossio, a former PhD student affiliated with the group, has published an article regarding the development and application of an Excel-based tool to holistically evaluate the sustainability of existing wastewater treatment plants in low and middle income countries. Many small wastewater treatment systems (WWTSs) in low and lower-middle income countries face challenges to achieve… Continue reading EVAS – a practical tool to assess the sustainability of small wastewater treatment systems in low and lower-middle-income countries
Online public PhD defence of Claudia Cossio on June 4
Claudia Cossio, who has been co-supervised by Jennifer McConville from our research group will present her PhD thesis on the 4th of June. The thesis is titled “A Journey towards Sustainable Small Wastewater Treatment Systems in Low and Lower–Middle Income Countries” and her focus has been on Bolivia. Where: https://chalmers.zoom.us/j/68990184473 Link to thesis: https://research.chalmers.se/publication/516714/file/516714_Fulltext.pdf Opponent:… Continue reading Online public PhD defence of Claudia Cossio on June 4
Ida Helgegren – PhD Defense on 19th May
Ida Helgegren, a PhD student at Chalmers who has been co-supervised by Jennifer McConville from our research group will present her thesis on 19th May. Her thesis title is “Understanding the Roles of Stakeholders in the Water and Sanitation Sector- Implementation and Operation of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in the Kanata metropolitan region, Bolivia“.… Continue reading Ida Helgegren – PhD Defense on 19th May
Comparing treatment options for nutrient-recovery from fecal sludge
The latest publication from our project in Uganda is on-line. We present a multi-criteria assessment method for planning and decision-making related to options for recovering nutrients from fecal sludge. We apply the method to the case of Kampala, Uganda. However, we start with a broad list of potential technologies and there are quite a few… Continue reading Comparing treatment options for nutrient-recovery from fecal sludge
Fecal sludge & sewage treatment infrastructure investments & operating costs in Kampala, Uganda
Like many low-income countries, Uganda is struggling to provide sanitation to its inhabitants. Meeting the Sustainable Development Goal related to sanitation (SDG6) will require major investments in sanitation. This study uses the concept of service regimes to analyze existing sanitation infrastructure and services and their respective costs. The service regimes investigated are the sewage regime… Continue reading Fecal sludge & sewage treatment infrastructure investments & operating costs in Kampala, Uganda
Trying the new role-playing game RECLAIM
We ended the year 2019 with a very fun activity – trying out a new role-playing game developed by Jennifer McConville and her colleagues. RECLAIM is an exciting, dynamic board game whose main purpose is to act as a learning tool for participatory decision-making on water and sanitation issues. There are several stakeholders represented in… Continue reading Trying the new role-playing game RECLAIM
SIDA International Training Programme at Kretsloppsteknik
Earlier this week, a few members of Kretsloppsteknik hosted a group of SIDA’s International Training Programme participants in Uppsala. NIRAS on behalf of SIDA implements a number of International Training Programmes. Kretsloppsteknik is involved as part of this program through NIRAS with focus on participants from both Asian and African countries. During these visits, we teach, present, and… Continue reading SIDA International Training Programme at Kretsloppsteknik
Chea Eliyan se une a Kretsloppsteknik como estudiante de doctorado
Soy Chea Eliyan, y recientemente me uní al Grupo de Investigación de Ingeniería Ambiental del Departamento de Energía y Tecnología (Kretsloppsteknik), SLU, como estudiante de doctorado “sándwich”. Como parte de este programa, pasaré la mitad del tiempo aquí en SLU y otro 50% en mi país de origen, Camboya, en la Universidad Real de Phnom… Continue reading Chea Eliyan se une a Kretsloppsteknik como estudiante de doctorado