Report from thematic workshop on recirculating nutrients from urban to rural areas


In Sweden, as is the case in many places, there are signs of a disconnect between actors working in waste sectors and those working in farming, food, and agriculture. Yet there is a desire to bridge this gap. On 5 November 2020, the Swedish Nutrient Platform (SNP) and the project End-of-wastewater jointly held a thematic… Continue reading Report from thematic workshop on recirculating nutrients from urban to rural areas

Global survey of food consumer attitudes towards urine recycling


The findings from our multinational study that surveyed the attitudes of about 3800 people from 16 different countries, are now published in Science of the Total Environment and available here: Highlights: – Cross-cultural & country-level factors explanatory of respondent attitudes identified– Respondents had positive intention overall but were unwilling to pay price premiums– Social… Continue reading Global survey of food consumer attitudes towards urine recycling

Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies published!


We are very pleased to share with you the 1st edition of the Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies. The Guide is a popular science publication that gives an overview of the possible resources that can be recovered and provides guidance on treatment processes to achieve safe products for reuse. The specific objectives… Continue reading Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies published!

Chea Eliyan’s one year follow-up seminar


On the 9th of December, Chea Eliyan had her one-year follow-up seminar. She presented her research about resource recovery from faecal sludge in Phnom Penh, focusing on the results from the first two studies about faecal sludge characterization and quantification. She preliminary concluded that faecal sludge generation in Phnom Penh is at the increasing trend.… Continue reading Chea Eliyan’s one year follow-up seminar

Policyinformation publicerad på Makerereuniversitetets webb


SPANS-projektet om sanitetsplanering för alternativa näringsämnesåtervinningssystem har publicerat sin första policyinformation. Kortfattat presenteras resultat från en studie om kapital- och driftskostnader för sanitet i Kampala, Uganda. Det konstaterades att kostnaderna för avloppssystem årligen är 13 gånger högre än för system som hanterar avföringsslam. Avloppssystem får en större andel av den offentliga finansieringen än avföringsslamsystem, samtidigt… Continue reading Policyinformation publicerad på Makerereuniversitetets webb

Policy brief published on the Makerere University Website


The SPANS project on Sanitation Planning for Alternative Nutrient-recovery Systems has published its first policy brief. The brief presents results of a study on capital and operational costs for sanitation in Kampala, Uganda. It was found that annualized costs for sewerage systems are 13 time greater than for faecal sludge systems. Sewerage systems receive a… Continue reading Policy brief published on the Makerere University Website

Webinar on serious gaming – RECLAIM


We are pleased to announce a webinar on the serious-game that we have made on resource recovery in sanitation – RECLAIM. We will present it on the 11th November, 2020 between 13:00-14:00 CEST.

Launching the Guide to Sanitation Resource-Recovery Products & Technologies


We are pleased to announce the we will soon be publishing a Guide to Sanitation Resource-Recovery Products & Technologies! To launch this publication we are hosting a webinar on the SuSanA forum. When? 22nd of October, 2020 between 14:00-15:00 CEST. Details and registration can be found on this link: This Webinar is organized by… Continue reading Launching the Guide to Sanitation Resource-Recovery Products & Technologies