Nutrient Recovery and Reuse – Help Us Design a Systematic Map and Evidence Platform


Research and development of circular nutrient technologies has intensified over the past years, making research output in this field increasingly hard to navigate and keep track of. There is a need for a robust and comprehensive mapping and synthesis of existing relevant research and better brokering of knowledge to policy and practice. Researchers at our… Continue reading Nutrient Recovery and Reuse – Help Us Design a Systematic Map and Evidence Platform

Best Paper Award for “Recycling Nutrients Contained in Human Excreta to Agriculture: Pathways, Processes, and Products”


Over the past years, research on technologies to recover nutrients from human excreta and domestic wastewater has intensified to such an extent that it has become difficult even for researchers in the field to keep track of new developments. In 2019, Harder and colleagues published a paper in Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology… Continue reading Best Paper Award for “Recycling Nutrients Contained in Human Excreta to Agriculture: Pathways, Processes, and Products”

Emma Enström investigates food systems in Skåne


My name is Emma Enström and I am studying for a master degree in Strategic Environmental Work at Lund University. My master in science contain topics like contaminated soil, blue-green solutions, environmental impact assessments but also about circular economy, life cycle assessments, policy instruments and system assessments. I am writing my master thesis for Sweden… Continue reading Emma Enström investigates food systems in Skåne

RECLAIM – serious gaming soon on the market (limited edition!)


The SPANS project (Sanitation Planning for Alternative Nutrient-recovery Systems) has developed a serious game as a way of informing decision-making in sanitation planning incorporating the recycling of nutrient resources. The game has been tested with decision-makers and university students in Uganda and Sweden. Participants have found the game fun and useful for discussing challenges in… Continue reading RECLAIM – serious gaming soon on the market (limited edition!)

Jennifer McConville from our group is about to give her Docent Lecture!


Welcome to the Spring Docent Lecture at the NJ-faculty where Jennifer McConville will present in the subject Technology. Circular Sanitation Systems – What would make the transition possible?  Date: 10th of MarchTime: 14.30 – 15.30Location: Room L, main University building (Ulls hus), Ultuna Campus A summary of the lecture which will be given in English, can… Continue reading Jennifer McConville from our group is about to give her Docent Lecture!

BONUS RETURN annual meeting and regional learning event in Helsinki


Doktorand Solveig Johannesdottir och forskare Jennifer McConville deltog i det årliga mötet för projektet BONUS RETURN I Helsingfors 28-29 maj. De två interna dagarna avslutades med en dag för externa deltagare för kunskapsutbyte och diskussioner kring cirkulär ekonomi den 30e maj. Dagen startades med en presentation om RETURN projektet, följt av presentationer av Akko Karlsson… Continue reading BONUS RETURN annual meeting and regional learning event in Helsinki