Teaching students in Jordan about safe nutrient recycling


This week, we (Sahar Dalahmeh, Mikael Pell, Annika Nordin, Cecilia Lalander, and Prithvi Simha) are in Jordan, conducting a 1-week course on recycling of various household waste fractions. The course is given at the Hashemite University, located about 50 km away from the capital city Amman. A group of about 20 very enthusiastic and inquistive… Continue reading Teaching students in Jordan about safe nutrient recycling

Book chapter within the framework of the Global Water Pathogen Project about Salmonella in relation to wastewater


The chapter brings up, occurrence, epidemiology, analysing techniques and treatment technology. The chapter is available at the link below Hasan, R., Nordin, A.C., Shakoor, S., Keenum, I. and Vinneras, B. 2019. Salmonella, Enteric Fevers, and Salmonellosis. In: J.B. Rose and B. Jiménez-Cisneros, (eds) Global Water Pathogen Project. http://www.waterpathogens.org ( A. Pruden, N. Ashbolt and J. Miller (eds)… Continue reading Book chapter within the framework of the Global Water Pathogen Project about Salmonella in relation to wastewater