Hur mycket läkemedelsrester bryts ned i slam under lagring undersöks i projektet Reduktion av läkemedel och andra organiska miljöföroreningar under lagring/efterbehandling av avloppsslam. Ett storskaligt lagringsförsök med ca 430 ton slam fördelade på 6 olika varianter på slamlagring startade under tisdagen och onsdagen 29-30/5 på Hovgårdens avfallsanläggning i Uppsala samarbete mellan Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet SLU, Svenska… Continue reading Bryts läkemedelsrester i avloppsslam ned under lagring?
Tag: Pharmaceuticals
Source separation: the future for efficient resource recovery
What is ‘New Sanitation’ according to Professor Grietje Zeeman from Wageningen University in the Netherlands? How has the practical experience been so far with the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor for blackwater treatment and bio-flocculation of greywater? Can micropollutants be mitigated through composting of anaerobic sludge? Are heavy metals from wastewater really a problem in… Continue reading Source separation: the future for efficient resource recovery
Research shows Biochar is efficient in removing pharmaceutical residues at onsite sewage facilities
In a very recent study published in Science of the Total Environment, Sahar Dalahmeh, a researcher at the Environmental Engineering Unit, and her co-workers investigated the potential of biochar filters to replace or complement sand filters for the removal of pharmaceutical residues from wastewater in onsite sewage facilities.