SIDA International Training Programme at Kretsloppsteknik


Earlier this week, a few members of Kretsloppsteknik hosted a group of SIDA’s International Training Programme participants in Uppsala. NIRAS on behalf of SIDA implements a number of International Training Programmes. Kretsloppsteknik is involved as part of this program through NIRAS with focus on participants from both Asian and African countries. During these visits, we teach, present, and… Continue reading SIDA International Training Programme at Kretsloppsteknik

Manejo de desechos mediante insectos fue presentado en honor al profesor Erik Dahlquist


El jueves de la semana pasada (31/10), Björn y Cecilia del grupo de Ingeniería Ambiental (Kretsloppsteknik) visitaron Västerås y realizaron una presentación acerca del manejo de desechos utilizando insectos en el seminario celebrado en honor del profesor Erik Dahlquist. Erik Dahlquist es profesor de Tecnología Energética en la Universidad de Mälardalen y, gracias a su… Continue reading Manejo de desechos mediante insectos fue presentado en honor al profesor Erik Dahlquist

Nueva publicación en pretratamiento de cáscaras de banana para compostaje BSF


Alice Isibika y coautores han publicado un nuevo estudio en la revista Waste Management, sobre distintos pretratamientos para mejorar la bioconversión del compostaje con moscas soldado negro (BSF) de cáscaras de plátano (un sustrato fibroso cuyo ratio de nutrientes no es óptimo para tal compostaje). Los pretratamientos aplicados fueron: nitrógeno no proteico (para optimizar el… Continue reading Nueva publicación en pretratamiento de cáscaras de banana para compostaje BSF

The Susana webinar on Sanitation and Employment aired 21/11 is now available online


In this seminar, moderated by Alejandro Jiménez of the Stockholm International Water Institute, different aspects of employment in the sanitation sector are discussed. Rémi Kaupp from WaterAid tells us about the findings presented in a new WHO report on the Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers. Martin Mawajje from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South… Continue reading The Susana webinar on Sanitation and Employment aired 21/11 is now available online

Waste management with insects was presented in Honour of Professor Erik Dahlquist


Thursday last week (31/10), Björn and Cecilia from the Environmental Engineering group visited Västerås and presented about waste management using insects in the seminar held in Honour of Professor Erik Dahlquist. Erik Dahlquist is Professor in Energy Technology at the Mälardalen University and has with the help of his long experience in improvements of process… Continue reading Waste management with insects was presented in Honour of Professor Erik Dahlquist

New publication on pre-treatment of banana peels for BSFL composting


Alice Isibika and co-authors have published a new study in the journal Waste Management, on the application of pre-treatments prior BSFL treatment of banana peels as a fibrous and nutrient imbalanced substrate to enhance bioconversion ratio. The applied pre-treatments were non-protein nitrogen for balancing the carbon/nitrogen , heat and microbes(fungi and bacteria) pre-treatments for breaking… Continue reading New publication on pre-treatment of banana peels for BSFL composting

Christian Zurbrügg joins Kretsloppsteknik as Adjunct Professor


What a pleasure to now be part of this exciting and motivated team at SLU !! My home-base is at Sandec – the Department of Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), where I have been working since 1998, first as tenure track researcher… Continue reading Christian Zurbrügg joins Kretsloppsteknik as Adjunct Professor

Watch Cecilia’s docent lecture here!


On Monday Cecilia Lalander from the group held her docent lecture. If you for some reason could participate, don’t fret, you can watch it here : (, start at 02:00 h).