Circular sanitary system of the future


Cecilia Lalander from environmental engineering group and other leading experts were interviewed about the circular sanitary system of the future. If you are interested, read more here (in Swedish): Contact: Cecilia Lalander

Interested in practical aspects of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) waste processing?


As BSF has become mainstream as an exciting way to treat organic waste, we receive more and more inquiries with questions on “what shall I” and “how shall I”. Academic journal articles seldom give enough easily digestible answers for practitioners, interested in starting or already operating a BSF facility. For this purpose a practical knowledge… Continue reading Interested in practical aspects of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) waste processing?

Presentation about larvae for high school students held from the office


Friday afternoon, the 23rd of April, Lovisa Lindberg was standing in her office and held a presentation about larvae as a substitute for fish feed for high school students from Värmdö municipality. This was a part of BSSC’s (Baltic Sea Science Center) theme week at Skansen where they invited different experts to talk about their… Continue reading Presentation about larvae for high school students held from the office

Red containers at Campus


Two treatment modules in form of modified shipping containers (6m x 2,4m x 2,5m) have arrived at Campus Ultuna and will house the larvae production for our animal feed projects. One module (=first container) is designed to process the feed for the BSF larvae. This module consists of an area for milling and storing the… Continue reading Red containers at Campus

Tobias Eisert – new intern in the Black Soldier Fly lab


My name is Tobias Eisert. Since August 2020 am I in Uppsala as an exchange student. At my home university in Kassel/Germany am I studying Ecological Agriculture Sciences and I am about to finish my bachelor’s degree. One of my main interests regarding my studies are sustainable agriculture practices. For me, a functioning nutrient cycle… Continue reading Tobias Eisert – new intern in the Black Soldier Fly lab

Lovisa Lindberg’s one year follow-up seminar


The 25th of November, Lovisa Lindberg had her one year follow-up seminar. She talked about fly larvae composting, focusing on results from the first study about process efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions and pre-treatments with ammonia and fungi using orange peels and vegetables as substrates. The newly gotten result from the started second study was also… Continue reading Lovisa Lindberg’s one year follow-up seminar

BSF larvae as chicken feed


This summer the BSF farm supplied 40 laying hens with 25kg of live larva per week. The experiment stretched over 14 weeks and in the end a grand total of 350kg of live larva ended up as nutritious chicken feed! The hens were split up into three experimental groups, in addition to a control group,… Continue reading BSF larvae as chicken feed