Guide för sanitära resursåterställningsprodukter & tekniker är nu publicerad!


Vi är mycket glada att dela med oss av den första upplagan av Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies. Guiden är en populärvetenskaplig publikation som ger en översikt över möjliga resurser som kan återvinnas och ger vägledning om behandlingsprocesser för att uppnå säkra produkter för återanvändning. De specifika målen för detta dokument är:… Continue reading Guide för sanitära resursåterställningsprodukter & tekniker är nu publicerad!

Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies published!


We are very pleased to share with you the 1st edition of the Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies. The Guide is a popular science publication that gives an overview of the possible resources that can be recovered and provides guidance on treatment processes to achieve safe products for reuse. The specific objectives… Continue reading Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies published!

Publication on field testing alkaline urine dehydration at pilot-scale in Finland


In early 2019, we designed and installed a pilot shell system to dry fresh urine collected from about 100 toilet users each day (or a maximum of 30 liters of urine day-1). The system was implemented at a Finnish army training ground (Camp Mauri) belonging to Pori Brigade, which is a garrison in Säkylä, Finland… Continue reading Publication on field testing alkaline urine dehydration at pilot-scale in Finland

Publikation om fältarbete av alkalisk urintorkning i pilotskala i Finland


I början av 2019 designade och installerade vi ett pilotskalssystem för att torka färsk urin som samlats in från cirka 100 toalettanvändare varje dag (eller högst 30 liter urin dag-1). Systemet implementerades på en finsk arméutbildningsplats (Camp Mauri) som tillhör Pori Brigade, som är garnison i Säkylä, Finland och användes under en period av tre… Continue reading Publikation om fältarbete av alkalisk urintorkning i pilotskala i Finland

New book chapter discusses alkaline urine dehydration at scale


In a bio-based circular economy, domestic wastewater has a significant role to play. By separating wastewater into different fractions at the source, it is possible to create new pathways for recycling resources. In a book chapter published in Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Simha et al. discuss about the most nutrient-rich wastewater fraction, human… Continue reading New book chapter discusses alkaline urine dehydration at scale

New publication on fate of Ascaris at various pH, temperature and moisture levels


A new study assessed the inactivation of Ascaris eggs under various conditions and observed that the exposure of Ascaris eggs to elevated pH (10.5–12.5) at temperatures <27.5 °C for >70 days had no effect on egg viability. To accelerate the inactivation of STH, an increase in the treatment temperature is more effective than pH increase.… Continue reading New publication on fate of Ascaris at various pH, temperature and moisture levels

New Publication on drying human urine using different alkaline media & temperatures


In a study recently published in Science of the Total Environment, we present results from a study that investigated drying of fresh source-separated human urine in five different alkaline media (pH > 11) at elevated temperatures (50 and 60 °C) with minimal loss of urea, urine’s principal nitrogen compound. We found that it was possible to concentrate urine 48… Continue reading New Publication on drying human urine using different alkaline media & temperatures

Using Hermetia illucens larvae to process biowaste from aquaculture production


A paper was published in the Journal of Cleaner Production as a result of the partnership established between the Environmental Engineering Research Group at SLU and the PhD candidate Ivã Guidini Lopes, a researcher from São Paulo, Brazil. This paper addresses the management of waste generated in aquaculture enterprises (fish carcasses) by larvae of the… Continue reading Using Hermetia illucens larvae to process biowaste from aquaculture production

Pharmaceutical pollution of water resources in Nakivubo wetlands & Lake Victoria, Uganda


This study investigated the occurrence and removal in wastewater and water bodies in Nakivubo wetland area and Inner Murchison Bay, Lake Victoria, of common prescription and non-prescription pharmaceutically-active substances (PhACs) sold in Kampala city, Uganda. A questionnaire was sent to 20 pharmacies in Kampala, to identify the most commonly sold PhACs in the city. During… Continue reading Pharmaceutical pollution of water resources in Nakivubo wetlands & Lake Victoria, Uganda