EVAS – a practical tool to assess the sustainability of small wastewater treatment systems in low and lower-middle-income countries


Claudia Cossio, a former PhD student affiliated with the group, has published an article regarding the development and application of an Excel-based tool to holistically evaluate the sustainability of existing wastewater treatment plants  in low and middle income countries. Many small wastewater treatment systems (WWTSs) in low and lower-middle income countries face challenges to achieve… Continue reading EVAS – a practical tool to assess the sustainability of small wastewater treatment systems in low and lower-middle-income countries

New book chapter discusses alkaline urine dehydration at scale


In a bio-based circular economy, domestic wastewater has a significant role to play. By separating wastewater into different fractions at the source, it is possible to create new pathways for recycling resources. In a book chapter published in Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Simha et al. discuss about the most nutrient-rich wastewater fraction, human… Continue reading New book chapter discusses alkaline urine dehydration at scale

Reduction of bacteria in relation to feeding regimes when treating aquaculture waste in fly larvae composting


The partnership between the Environmental Engineering Group at SLU and Dr. Ivã Guidini Lopes from the Aquaculture Center of Unesp (São Paulo, Brazil) resulted in a second publication, entitled “Reduction of bacteria in relation to feeding regimes when treating aquaculture waste in fly larvae composting”, recently published in Frontiers in Microbiology, as part of the… Continue reading Reduction of bacteria in relation to feeding regimes when treating aquaculture waste in fly larvae composting

Sanitation360 wins the Skapapriset 2020 for Gotland County


Our group’s spinoff company, Sanitation360 AB, was recently declared the winner of the Skapapriset for Gotland, where the company is based. The jury on Gotland was of the opinion that the S360 team (Jenna, Björn and Prithvi) were very good representatives for Gotland. S360 now moves onto the final round, where we will compete with… Continue reading Sanitation360 wins the Skapapriset 2020 for Gotland County

Vote for Sanitation360 to win the “Create the Future Design Contest”


The group’s startup company, Sanitation360 AB, is taking part in the Create the Future Design Contest, which was first launched in 2002 by the publishers of Tech Briefs magazine to help stimulate and reward engineering innovation. Our entry which is called “Save the world by going to the bathroom!” puts forward our research and development of the urine… Continue reading Vote for Sanitation360 to win the “Create the Future Design Contest”

Masters Thesis Student for Urine Drying Project


Our intern Chinmoy Deb from India, has successfully completed all his theory subjects at SLU for the Mater’s program “Soil, Water and Environment” in a duration of one year. In his theory subjects, he had worked with soil-water systems and Geochemical modelling.  Chinmoy has opted for a “One-year Master Thesis” for the rest of the… Continue reading Masters Thesis Student for Urine Drying Project

PhD defence Jenna Senecal


We congratulate Jenna Senecal for a well performed defence of her PhD thesis “Safe Nutrient Recovery from Human Urine – System and Hugiene Evaluation of Alkaline Urine Dehydration”. It was a great discussion with the opponent Professor Chris Buckley from University of KwaZulu Natal, followed by the discussion with the evaluation committee, Ana Soares Cranfield… Continue reading PhD defence Jenna Senecal

Survey for End of Wastewater project


Robin and Jennifer from the group are collaborating in the End of Wastewater project that is also led by Robin. The aim of the project is to co-create, together with committed Swedish actors, a knowledge brokering and public engagement toolbox to support and encourage acceptance, implementation and upscaling of innovative and sustainable solutions to recirculate nutrients and… Continue reading Survey for End of Wastewater project