Tobias Eisert – new intern in the Black Soldier Fly lab


My name is Tobias Eisert. Since August 2020 am I in Uppsala as an exchange student. At my home university in Kassel/Germany am I studying Ecological Agriculture Sciences and I am about to finish my bachelor’s degree. One of my main interests regarding my studies are sustainable agriculture practices. For me, a functioning nutrient cycle… Continue reading Tobias Eisert – new intern in the Black Soldier Fly lab

Using MgO for Alkaline Dehydration of Human Urine Collected in Source-Separated Sanitation Systems


We recently published a new paper on the use of Magnesium Oxide as an alkaline substrate for dehydrating urine in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science. Abstract: Fresh human urine, after it is alkalized to prevent the enzymatic hydrolysis of urea, can be dehydrated to reduce its volume and to produce a solid fertilizer.… Continue reading Using MgO for Alkaline Dehydration of Human Urine Collected in Source-Separated Sanitation Systems

Global survey of food consumer attitudes towards urine recycling


The findings from our multinational study that surveyed the attitudes of about 3800 people from 16 different countries, are now published in Science of the Total Environment and available here: Highlights: – Cross-cultural & country-level factors explanatory of respondent attitudes identified– Respondents had positive intention overall but were unwilling to pay price premiums– Social… Continue reading Global survey of food consumer attitudes towards urine recycling

New project: beer production fertilised with urine!


The Urine Drying team at SLU (together with Sanitation360, Spiran and Gotlands Bryggeri) have been awarded 2.9 MSEK from JTI to test using our dehydrated urine as a fertilizer for barley destined for beer production.  The objective of the project is to produce a tailored dry fertilizer from urine and a new, more sustainably produced,… Continue reading New project: beer production fertilised with urine!

Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies published!


We are very pleased to share with you the 1st edition of the Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies. The Guide is a popular science publication that gives an overview of the possible resources that can be recovered and provides guidance on treatment processes to achieve safe products for reuse. The specific objectives… Continue reading Guide to Sanitation Resource Recovery Products & Technologies published!

Chea Eliyan’s one year follow-up seminar


On the 9th of December, Chea Eliyan had her one-year follow-up seminar. She presented her research about resource recovery from faecal sludge in Phnom Penh, focusing on the results from the first two studies about faecal sludge characterization and quantification. She preliminary concluded that faecal sludge generation in Phnom Penh is at the increasing trend.… Continue reading Chea Eliyan’s one year follow-up seminar

Chris Buckley talks to Radio SAfm about urine drying


Last week, following our joint article on urine recycling in The Conversation Africa, Prof. Christopher Buckley from the University of KwZulu-Natal was interviewed by SAfm, South Africa’s national public radio station. In his interview with Stephen Groote, Prof. Buckley talked about our group’s pioneering urine treatment technology, alkaline dehydration, and how the technology holds promise for implementation… Continue reading Chris Buckley talks to Radio SAfm about urine drying

Lovisa Lindberg’s one year follow-up seminar


The 25th of November, Lovisa Lindberg had her one year follow-up seminar. She talked about fly larvae composting, focusing on results from the first study about process efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions and pre-treatments with ammonia and fungi using orange peels and vegetables as substrates. The newly gotten result from the started second study was also… Continue reading Lovisa Lindberg’s one year follow-up seminar

Vietnames Agritech conference


Björn was invited as Sweden’s representative in the Vietnames Agritech conference during the 28th of November. The title of his talk was technical solutions in relation to “Challenges in Post-Covid Environment for Agriculture Sector”. His focus of the presentation and the panel discussion was that the circular economy can reduce the pollution of the environment… Continue reading Vietnames Agritech conference