How to get the best value out of organic waste?


Municipalities are expected to provide solid waste management to their inhabitants, funded by tax revenue or/and waste treatment fees. In many low and middle income countries, municipalities however struggle to provide an adequate level of service; in such places the informal sector plays a major role in the collection and treatment of solid waste. In… Continue reading How to get the best value out of organic waste?

Licentiate Seminar: Luis Fernando Perez Mercado


Luis Fernando Perez Mercado, Doctoral Candidate at the Environmental Engineering Unit, Department of Energy and Technology will defend his licentiate thesis entitled, On-farm filtration technology for pathogen reduction: Reuse of low hygienic quality water for vegetable irrigation. When?: 24 October 2017 at 13:30 Where?: Lecture Room 2034, MVM house, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences For further… Continue reading Licentiate Seminar: Luis Fernando Perez Mercado

Licentiate Seminar: Jenna Senecal


Jenna Senecal, Doctoral Candidate at the Environmental Engineering Unit, Department of Energy and Technology will defend her licentiate thesis entitled, Urea stabilisation and dehydration for urine-diverting toilets: System and hygiene evaluation. When?: 24 October 2017 at 09:00 Where?: Lecture Room S, Ulls hus, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala For further information, get in touch with… Continue reading Licentiate Seminar: Jenna Senecal

Sanitation Technologies of the Future


When?: 25 October 2017 at 13:00 Where?: Room: Hörsal V, Ulls hus, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala Online Streaming?: Click here To honor Prof. Håkan Jönsson who retires during 2017, the Kretsloppsteknik research group at the Department of Energy and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is organizing a Farewell symposium on the 25th of… Continue reading Sanitation Technologies of the Future

Dry fertiliser from urine


The saying ‘we are what we eat’ is only part of the story. What we eat is what we excrete, and this means plant nutrients. Human excreta contain the same nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N-P-K) as the fertilisers used to produce the food consumed (Winker et al., 2009). However, human excreta are considered unwanted waste… Continue reading Dry fertiliser from urine

The Road to Large-scale Implementation of Source-separation?


Within our research group we are working with several methods for returning nutrients from food and wastewater to agriculture. Source separation of waste flows can make for simpler treatment and higher quality of the recovered products. However, the use of source separation systems is far from wide spread. Trying to understand why this is the… Continue reading The Road to Large-scale Implementation of Source-separation?

Open [green]house


Foto: Anna Simonsson On May 16 at 13:00-16:00 we will have Open House in our fly larvae composting facility at SLU campus Ultuna in Uppsala. We will demonstrate our facility for growing and breeding of flies and larvae. We will also show how far we have progressed in the scaling up of the treatment module,… Continue reading Open [green]house

What do farmers in South India think of human urine as a fertiliser?


Technological advances in the sanitation sector have made it feasible to safely recycle human wastes to agricultural areas to use as fertilisers. From a social science perspective, these developments open up a new array of questions: for instance, are farmers be willing to handle and use such fertilisers? How do farmers perceive such materials –… Continue reading What do farmers in South India think of human urine as a fertiliser?