New Publication: Hygiene aspects of urine drying technology


In a new paper published in Water Research, Senecal et al. assessed what hygienic health risks may occur when human urine is dehydrated. The experiment was set up to simulate that the last person using the toilet (before the dehydration medium is changed) is contaminating the medium with misplaced faeces, with no time for dehydration of… Continue reading New Publication: Hygiene aspects of urine drying technology

Research exhibition at University of Dar es salaam


Alice Isibika, PhD candidate at Kretsloppsteknik, participated in University of Dar es salaam’s Research Week Exhibition. The event showcased research, innovation, public service and knowledge exchange activities of the university’s academic staff and students to the public. In the post-graduate student projects category, Alice was placed third winner at the first phase and the second winner at… Continue reading Research exhibition at University of Dar es salaam

New publication: Will Indian consumers eat urine-fertilised food?


Decentralised sanitation technologies based on source separation of toilet waste have attracted a lot of research attention – the social sustainability of these technologies, not so much. To attempt to fill this gap, members of the Kretsloppsteknik group collaborated with researchers at VIT University, to explore what food consumers in India think of urine recycling. The… Continue reading New publication: Will Indian consumers eat urine-fertilised food?

The Market for Biochar in Sweden


Stockholm Exergi and Waste Sweden has conducted a study to investigate the market for biochar and specifically the willingness to pay within five industrial applications: biochar as soil improvers, biochar filling material in concrete, biochar in agriculture, biochar as filter material for water and wastewater, and biochar as additive to animal feed. Sahar Dalahmeh (Environmental technology group – Institute… Continue reading The Market for Biochar in Sweden

Capacity of Biochar Filters for Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal


The report “Capacity of Biochar Filters for Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal” is now published at Havs- och vatten myndigheten website. Capacity of Biochar Filters for Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal”. In this report, Sahar Dalahmeh, researcher in the environmental technology group, has compiled her projects results on the capacity of… Continue reading Capacity of Biochar Filters for Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal

Teaching at the UN-IHE


Close to midsummer, Björn Vinnerås was in Delft teaching students from the new MSc program in Sanitation at the UN-IHE. The lectures were in the module of “Sanitation Technology” talking about pathogens and hygienisation technologies. Lectures ended up discussing four case studies on how to manage a recycling sanitation system without spreading any diseases. A… Continue reading Teaching at the UN-IHE

One year meeting of the EU-program Run4Life in Helsingborg


The one year meeting was hosted by the wastewater organisation of Helsingborg NSVA, who showed the exiting plans for the new development of central Helsingborg H+ and their visions for sustainable wastewater management in Recolab. The meeting was very fruitful, looking into what was achieved during last year and the planning of the coming year,… Continue reading One year meeting of the EU-program Run4Life in Helsingborg

New publication on the drying of ion-exchanged human urine


In a recent study published in Water Research, members of the Kretsloppsteknik group investigated the possibility of alkalising human urine by anion-exchange and dehydrating urine into a dry fertiliser powder.Fresh urine was passed through an ion-exchanger, stabilised by alkalisation (pH >10), added to an alkaline media (wood ash/alkalised biochar) and dehydrated Simha, P., Senecal, J.,… Continue reading New publication on the drying of ion-exchanged human urine