Implementation of demonstration biochar filter for small-scale sewage treatment funded by Swedish EPA


The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency decided to grant Sahar Dalahmeh, a researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 475 000 SEK to implement demonstration biochar filter for Small-scale Sewage Treatment”. The project intends to scale the laboratory system to full scale module to treat single- household wastewater. Within the project, system’s function and treatment… Continue reading Implementation of demonstration biochar filter for small-scale sewage treatment funded by Swedish EPA

Ivã Guidini joins the environmental engineering group


Foto: Viktoria Wiklicky I am a biologist from São Paulo State University (Unesp) and a PhD student from the Unesp Aquaculture Center (Caunesp), where I’m currently studying different handling methods of windrow thermophilic composting using fish carcasses (as nitrogen source) and wood shavings/peanut shells (as carbon sources). My study involves practical information about the composting… Continue reading Ivã Guidini joins the environmental engineering group

Effects of larvae-specific bacteria on composting process


Foto: Evgheni Ermolaev My name is Kristina Lundgren and I am a student in a master programme in Environmental and Water Engineering at Uppsala University and SLU. Starting in autumn, I will work on my Master Degree project at the Department of Energy and Technology, SLU, in the field of fly larvae composting using black… Continue reading Effects of larvae-specific bacteria on composting process

What does the term ‘ecotechnology’ mean?


In 2015, the term ‘ecotechnology’ was used as one of the themes for a funding call by the joint Baltic Sea research and development programme BONUS. The call defined areas where ecotechnologies could be applied, but did not explicitly define the term itself.  Against this backdrop, researchers including Jennifer McConville from our group decided to systematically review the literature on… Continue reading What does the term ‘ecotechnology’ mean?

Summer School Insects as Food and Feed


Last week, Viktoria Wiklicky from our research group participated in the Summer School “Insects as Food and Feed – from producing to consuming” organised by Wageningen University.  The summer school looked at various aspects of the insect food and feed chain, from from genetics to farming, handling/logistics, processing, marketing and consumption. The course was very well received… Continue reading Summer School Insects as Food and Feed

Fly larvae composting presented at Matologi


Our fly larvae team participated in the yearly Matologi event organized by SLU. This year’s exhibition had a focus on waste and climate. Evgheni Ermolaev, Giulio Zorzetto and Panav Gupta presented the Kretsloppsfluga concept being developed by the group and showed the treatment module currently being tested at a pilot plant at Eskilstuna Strängnäs Energi… Continue reading Fly larvae composting presented at Matologi

The 6th Dry Toilet Conference, Finland


Prithvi Simha, PhD student at kretsloppsteknik, participated in the 6th International Dry Toilet Conference that was held in Tampere, Finland, between 22-24 August. Prithvi presented our ongoing research on alkaline urine dehydration technology and shared experiences of installing & operating a household-scale urine dehydration unit for three months at the SLU campus. 

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) seminar at the World Water Week


SLU co-organised an antimicrobial resistance (AMR) seminar at the World Water Week together with SIWI, SIANI and Nordea. Annika Nordin was our representative talking about the importance of WASH to limit the spread of AMR. The sub-workshop regarding WASH and AMR was popular, with 20 people attending. The general conclusion was that source separating sanitation… Continue reading Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) seminar at the World Water Week