Presentation about larvae for high school students held from the office


Friday afternoon, the 23rd of April, Lovisa Lindberg was standing in her office and held a presentation about larvae as a substitute for fish feed for high school students from Värmdö municipality. This was a part of BSSC’s (Baltic Sea Science Center) theme week at Skansen where they invited different experts to talk about their… Continue reading Presentation about larvae for high school students held from the office

Report from thematic workshop on recirculating nutrients from urban to rural areas


In Sweden, as is the case in many places, there are signs of a disconnect between actors working in waste sectors and those working in farming, food, and agriculture. Yet there is a desire to bridge this gap. On 5 November 2020, the Swedish Nutrient Platform (SNP) and the project End-of-wastewater jointly held a thematic… Continue reading Report from thematic workshop on recirculating nutrients from urban to rural areas

Docent lecture: Annika Nordin


Last Wednesday, Annika Nordin in the Environmental Engineering group held her docent lecture Safe resource recovery – managing microbial hazards of wastewater reuse systems. If you for some reason missed it, don’t fret, you can watch it here:

Emma Enström investigates food systems in Skåne


My name is Emma Enström and I am studying for a master degree in Strategic Environmental Work at Lund University. My master in science contain topics like contaminated soil, blue-green solutions, environmental impact assessments but also about circular economy, life cycle assessments, policy instruments and system assessments. I am writing my master thesis for Sweden… Continue reading Emma Enström investigates food systems in Skåne

Prithvi Simha’s pre-dissertation PhD seminar


On 5th of March, Prithvi had his pre-dissertation seminar: Alklaine Urine Dehydration – how to dry urine and recover nutrients. David Gustavsson from VA SYD/Sweden Water Research was Prithvi’s opponent at the seminar and he quizzed Prithvi on his published papers as well as his preliminary thesis (or kappa). Overall, it was very interesting and… Continue reading Prithvi Simha’s pre-dissertation PhD seminar

Red containers at Campus


Two treatment modules in form of modified shipping containers (6m x 2,4m x 2,5m) have arrived at Campus Ultuna and will house the larvae production for our animal feed projects. One module (=first container) is designed to process the feed for the BSF larvae. This module consists of an area for milling and storing the… Continue reading Red containers at Campus