New Publication: Health risks from wastewater irrigation in Bolivia


In our latest study published in Journal of Water and Health, we assessed the pathogen flows in a water&nutrients reuse system for production of lettuce in a peri-urban zone in the highlands of Bolivia. Viral and bacterial indicators, and helminth eggs were quantified in soil, water and lettuce samples taken during one crop season, and… Continue reading New Publication: Health risks from wastewater irrigation in Bolivia

Piloting urine drying technology at households in Sweden


Over the course of the year, our group has been intensively investigating urine dehydration – to better understand the technology, identify limitations, and pave the way for it to be successfully upscaled. In our latest development on this front, 8 urine dehydrators are being piloted at households across Uppsala, Sweden. Experinece from this pilot installation… Continue reading Piloting urine drying technology at households in Sweden

The Krestloppsteknik Newsletter!


Dear Reader, Hejsan! Thank you for visting our blog and for your (continued) interest in our research group’s activites. The Kretsloppsteknik Blog has been an active newsharing platform at SLU since March 2017. The blog has been an excellent tool for us to communicate with you, helping us disseminate results, updates, and information about our… Continue reading The Krestloppsteknik Newsletter!

What larvae need


In our study just published in Journal of Cleaner Production  we were interested in finding out what how the larval feedstock affect the efficiency of the black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) composting process in terms of biomass conversion ratio, larval development and larval survival. We compared the process efficiency of nine different feedstocks and two… Continue reading What larvae need

Björn Vinnerås visits UTAR in Kampar, Malaysia


Björn Vinnerås was at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) as External Examiner at the Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology to evaluate their Master of Engineering Science and PhD education in Engineering. He had the chance of looking at their interesting and good structure of their education and looking through several interesting projects that they… Continue reading Björn Vinnerås visits UTAR in Kampar, Malaysia

Nordic insect production discussed at a workshop in Denmark


Nordic Insect workshop focusing on development of insect production for feed and food was arranged by DTU and Nordic Working Group for Microbiology & Animal Health and Welfare (NMDD) In Roskilde, Denmark. Evgheni Ermolaev from our group and Bettina Julin from the Swedish National Food Agency represented Sweden at the meeting.

Finnish delegation visits SLU to discuss on-site urine treatment


Last week our group hosted a delegation of stakeholders from Finland, representing between them the City of Tampere, The Finnish Environment Institute, The Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland and Tampere University of Applied Sciences. They were at SLU to discuss their ongoing projects, MORTTI – mobile nutrient recovery under field conditions and HIERAKKA –… Continue reading Finnish delegation visits SLU to discuss on-site urine treatment

New Masters project on fatty acid composition in BSF larvae and substrates


I’m Nils Ewald, one of the latest master students to join the Black Soldier Fly  team at the department. I’m currently doing my last year at the Agriculture program in Food Science here at SLU. As a student in food science it is very interesting to be able to dig into the widely discussed field… Continue reading New Masters project on fatty acid composition in BSF larvae and substrates

Environmental Engineering group hosts Professor Christine Moe


The Environmental Technology group was pleased to host Christine Moe, Gangarosa Professor of Safe Water and Sanitation at Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, USA. During her visit, 3-4th of September 2018, Christine met the researchers and PhD students in the group and discussed potentials for future collaboration in research and education with sanitation… Continue reading Environmental Engineering group hosts Professor Christine Moe