SIDA and SEI visited us to discuss emergency sanitation


On the 17th of January, Olle Castell, Caroline Gårdestedt och Malin Denninger from the Swedish Red Cross, and Axel Wurtz and Jairo Mosquera from Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) came to visit Cecilia Lalander and Annika Nordin from the Environmental Engineering group. Several possible treatment technologies for the treatment of faecal sludge in emergency settings were… Continue reading SIDA and SEI visited us to discuss emergency sanitation

New Publication on removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in onsite wastewater treatment


In this study, we investigated the potential of biochar filters as a replacement or complement for sand filters for removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from wastewater in onsite sewage facilities. In a 22-weeks experiment, concentrations, removal and adsorption of nine perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (PFCAs; C3- 11) and three perfluoroalkane sulfonates (PFSAs; C4, 6, 8) and… Continue reading New Publication on removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in onsite wastewater treatment

Nduhiu Gitahi, Doctor of Philosophy


We congratulate Mr Nduhiu Johnson Gitahi to the degree Doctor of Philosophy achieved for his thesis work: Isolation, serotyping & molecular characterization of enteric pathogens for validation of Peepoo sanitization along handling chain at Kibera, Nairobi Kenya.

Two new interns for the urine drying project


The latest additions to Kretsloppsteknik are two interns, Chinmoy Deb and Anooj Ramanathan, coming all the way from India to work on urine drying for their bachelor’s thesis. During their bachelors program, both Chinmoy and Anooj have been doing research on sanitation, working with nutrient recovery as well as removal of pharmaceutical residues from human urine.… Continue reading Two new interns for the urine drying project

Water & Wastewater Speciality in the Journal Frontiers in Environmental Science


A new section about water and wastewater has been launched as a speciality section in the journal, Frontiers in Environmental Science. Björn Vinnerås together with the co-chief editor, Prof. Paolo Perona and the members of the editorial board welcome contributions to the journal.                           … Continue reading Water & Wastewater Speciality in the Journal Frontiers in Environmental Science

Nature awareness champions competition participants visit


Participants of the “Naturvetarmästarna” competition in knowledge in natural sciences from 9th grade of Rosendalsgymnasiet visited our group at the Fly Larvae Composting Laboratory. Björn Vinnerås, leader of the Environmental Engineering group, is introducing our vision and different directions of our research to the visitors. Photo: Evgheni Ermolaev. The vision is to develop and evaluate… Continue reading Nature awareness champions competition participants visit

Developing a serious game for resource recovery


In the project “Gamification of Sanitation Planning”, we are developing a serious game to support sanitation planning and increase the recovery of nutrients from waste flows. This fall we have had a series of workshops focusing on developing the game concept. The target group for the game is politicians and officials in decision-making positions. Other… Continue reading Developing a serious game for resource recovery