Half-time PhD Seminar, Prithvi Simha: Alkaline urine dehydration


On 26th April, PhD Candidate Prithvi Simha presented his half-time seminar, “Urine Dehydration Technology for Decentralised Sanitation Systems” at SLU. In the seminar, Prithvi summarised and discussed two research papers & a draft book chapter on urine dehydration. Åke Nordberg, Assoc. Prof. in Bioenergy Technology was the opponent at the seminar.

Urine drying from Sanitation360:Semi-finalists at the FAMAE Water Challenge


This year, members of the Kretsloppsteknik group at SLU started Sanitation360, a startup company which aims to commercialise the urine dehydration technology being developed at SLU. As Sanitation360, we participated in the FAMAE Water Challenge (“Precious Water!”) where the goal was to design a simple and innovative product or service to preserve water, make it… Continue reading Urine drying from Sanitation360:Semi-finalists at the FAMAE Water Challenge

1-2 tons food waste treated by BSF composting in Eskilstuna


In the past 2 years, the environmental engineering group has been collaborating with the waste management company of Eskilstuna in order to treat food waste with black soldier fly larvae. This technology, developed within the group over the past 10 years, aims to recover the nutrients present in organic waste streams and reintroduce them into… Continue reading 1-2 tons food waste treated by BSF composting in Eskilstuna

Game for Resource Recovery tested in Uganda


On the 25th of April, the SPANS team held a workshop on serious gaming “Games for Resource Recovery in Sanitation” at Makerere University, Uganda. We presented the serious game that we have been developing within the SPANS project – Sanitation Planning for Alternative Nutrient-Recovery Systems (see Blogg post 201-12-05). The aim of the workshop was… Continue reading Game for Resource Recovery tested in Uganda

Agricultural field trials on dehydrated urine – “Granurin”


Between December 2018 and February 2019, we installed and used eight family-scale urine dehydrator prototypes in Uppsala. At the end of this period, we managed to produce 40 kg of dry fertiliser (which our collegues in France call “granurin”) with a nitrogen content of 10%. We thus managed to dry nearly 500 L of urine,… Continue reading Agricultural field trials on dehydrated urine – “Granurin”

Makoto joins Kretsloppsteknik


Hi, I’m Makoto from Japan. I will work on the analysis of perfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) and pharmaceuticals in wastewater with Sahar Dalahmeh at SLU’s Kretsloppsteknik group. Since I have been interested in sanitation research right from my Environmental Engineering bachelor studies in Japan, I am grateful for this opportunity to continue to learn and work… Continue reading Makoto joins Kretsloppsteknik

Kretsloppsteknik at Uppsala city library to discuss our current water-borne sanitation system


Next week, Annika Nordin and Cecilia Lalander, Researchers at Kretsloppsteknik will be at the Uppsala City Library to discuss why our current water-borne sanitation system is not as good as many might think. They will present what we believe will be the future sanitation solutions, which in a better and more efficient way safeguard and… Continue reading Kretsloppsteknik at Uppsala city library to discuss our current water-borne sanitation system