Modeling large-scale Eskilstuna pilot fly larvae composting system


A study “Model selection for waste conversion efficiency and energy demands in a pilot for large-scale larvae treatment” was presented at the 60th International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society, SIMS 2019, in Västerås, Sweden. The study evaluated some technical aspects associated with larvae growth, ventilation and drying demands in a pilot sized black soldier fly… Continue reading Modeling large-scale Eskilstuna pilot fly larvae composting system

Greenhouse gas emissions from small-scale fly larvae composting


A new paper evaluating the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from small-scale fly larvae composting is published. The full paper is available here: The aim of the study was to evaluate GHG and ammonia (NH3) emissions from fly larvae composting treatment of food waste and the effects of pre-treatment and seeding of the food waste… Continue reading Greenhouse gas emissions from small-scale fly larvae composting

A pilot multi-module biochar filter was built and is running in a household in Gamla Uppsala


A demonstration household biochar filter has been built and is now running in a household in Gamla Uppsala to treat wastewater from a single household of 5 person. The filter has a unique design in which the biochar is used as a filter material in a multi module cabinet staked biochar of different properties to… Continue reading A pilot multi-module biochar filter was built and is running in a household in Gamla Uppsala

New project: development of analytical methods for extraction, identification & quantification of microplastics in sewage sludge


With a generous financial support from eight wastewater treatment utilities in Sweden as well as from Svenskt vatten (via VA-kluster Mälardalen), Sahar Dalahmeh started a research project focusing on development of analytical method for extraction, identification and quantification of microplastics in sewage sludge. Different extraction protocols (acids, base and enzymatic extraction will be tested and… Continue reading New project: development of analytical methods for extraction, identification & quantification of microplastics in sewage sludge

Interest of Swedish Wastewater organisations to learn about pharmaceutical fate during sewage sludge post treatment storage & reclaimed water recycling in agriculture


Fate of pharmaceuticals during sewage sludge storage and composting and Use of reclaimed water in agriculture: Potential, technologies, implementation, regulations and other aspects, were among the topics presented in Annual Intranet workshop VA- kluster Mäladalen 22-23rd of august 2019. Sahar Dalahmeh hold the lectures and very active discussion followed the presentations.  For more information, please… Continue reading Interest of Swedish Wastewater organisations to learn about pharmaceutical fate during sewage sludge post treatment storage & reclaimed water recycling in agriculture

Wastewater irrigation for sustainable Water-food- energy nexus


Sahar Dalahmeh, researcher at the group was invited as a key note speaker in the International Workshop in Water, food and energy nexus organised within the 10th national conference of environmental chemistry in Tianjin in China 16-19th August 2019. In her talk, Sahar highlighted the important potential of using wastewater for irrigation for food production.… Continue reading Wastewater irrigation for sustainable Water-food- energy nexus

Book chapter within the framework of the Global Water Pathogen Project about Salmonella in relation to wastewater


The chapter brings up, occurrence, epidemiology, analysing techniques and treatment technology. The chapter is available at the link below Hasan, R., Nordin, A.C., Shakoor, S., Keenum, I. and Vinneras, B. 2019. Salmonella, Enteric Fevers, and Salmonellosis. In: J.B. Rose and B. Jiménez-Cisneros, (eds) Global Water Pathogen Project. ( A. Pruden, N. Ashbolt and J. Miller (eds)… Continue reading Book chapter within the framework of the Global Water Pathogen Project about Salmonella in relation to wastewater

Kretsloppsteknik at the 3rd IWA Resource Recovery Conference


Between 8th and 12th September, Björn and Prithvi were in Venice to take part in the International Water Association‘s 3rd Resource Recovery Conference in Venice. Prithvi had an oral presentation where he talked about the pilot testing of the alkaline urine dehydration technology at Pori Brigade in Finland. At the conference, Prithvi also co-chaired the… Continue reading Kretsloppsteknik at the 3rd IWA Resource Recovery Conference