Feature Paper Invitation: Special Issue “Biochar for the Environmental Wastewater Treatments” in Applied Sciences


The following special issue which Sahar Dalahmeh from our research group is guest editing will be published in Applied Sciences, is now open to receive submissions of full research articles and comprehensive review papers for peer-review and possible publication. We invite prospective authors to submit innovative and high-quality papers with original perspectives on any of… Continue reading Feature Paper Invitation: Special Issue “Biochar for the Environmental Wastewater Treatments” in Applied Sciences

Tristan Martin, PhD Student from INRA at Kretsloppsteknik


My name is Tristan Martin and I’m a PhD student from France. I’m working at the French National institute for agricultural research on the agronomic valorization of urine in France and the associated environmental impacts of this valorization. My work in France consists mainly in doing agronomical experiments with different urine based fertilizers to compare… Continue reading Tristan Martin, PhD Student from INRA at Kretsloppsteknik

Xiaoqin Zhou on research exchange at SLU from USTB


Dr. Xiaoqin Zhou, Assistant Professor of University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) is on a three week research exchange at Kretsloppsteknik. Yesterday, at a lunch seminar organised by the group, Xiaoqin presented about USTB and her own research activities. Specifically, she talked baout “toilet revolution” in rural China and how the country is currently… Continue reading Xiaoqin Zhou on research exchange at SLU from USTB

Watch Cecilia’s docent lecture here!


On Monday Cecilia Lalander from the group held her docent lecture. If you for some reason could participate, don’t fret, you can watch it here : (https://www.dropbox.com/l/scl/AAAWVntwTqW6cYrYRn7BiWOLRRUQPwfXKfY, start at 02:00 h). 

Social aspects of recycling household wastes: perspectives from Jordan


We were at the Hashemite University in Jordan last week, teaching a group of young students how we can safely recycle different household waste fractions. As part of this week-long course, we organised a day of interactive seminars and a role playing game to improve awareness among the students about the psychology, decision making, and… Continue reading Social aspects of recycling household wastes: perspectives from Jordan

Robert Almqvist joins kretsloppsteknik for his master’s project


Hi, my name is Robert Almqvist and I am writing my master thesis in Biology at the institution of energy and technology. I am a soil/plant-agricultural program student matriculated at SLU Uppsala since 2014. In my master thesis, I will look at fly larvae composting and at the possible effect different pre-treatments has on amino acid… Continue reading Robert Almqvist joins kretsloppsteknik for his master’s project

Teaching students in Jordan about safe nutrient recycling


This week, we (Sahar Dalahmeh, Mikael Pell, Annika Nordin, Cecilia Lalander, and Prithvi Simha) are in Jordan, conducting a 1-week course on recycling of various household waste fractions. The course is given at the Hashemite University, located about 50 km away from the capital city Amman. A group of about 20 very enthusiastic and inquistive… Continue reading Teaching students in Jordan about safe nutrient recycling

Cecilia Lalander from our group is about to give her Docent Lecture!


Date: 30/9 – 2019 | Time: 10:30 | Location: Room L, Main University building (Ulls hus), Ultuna campus Is biodegradable waste a problem or a resource? Some claim it’s a resource that can be managed in a much more efficient way, but how come it isn’t? How could a more efficient management look like? If… Continue reading Cecilia Lalander from our group is about to give her Docent Lecture!

Moisture content affects greenhouse gas emissions from thermophilic food waste composting


The effects of moisture on thermophilic composting process are investigated in the latest paper published in the Journal of Cleaner Production: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118165 It is known that too wet active composts can cause excessive methane (CH4) emissions, but there is no consensus on how much and what exactly the rate of this change is with changing… Continue reading Moisture content affects greenhouse gas emissions from thermophilic food waste composting