Sanitation360 wraps up the Hiedanranta urine drying pilot – Thank you Tampere & Lielahti Manor


Towards the end of January, Jenna Senecal and Viktoria Wiklicky from Kretsloppsteknik were in Tampere, Finland to decomission our 25 L/day urine drying system that was in operation at the basement of Lielahti Manor house. The system was in use in between June 2019 and January 2020, and was a great showcase of the group’s… Continue reading Sanitation360 wraps up the Hiedanranta urine drying pilot – Thank you Tampere & Lielahti Manor

Natnael Girma, new PhD student to work on fate of pharmaceuticals & ARG in dried urine fertiliser


My name is Natnael Girma, I’m a Ph.D. student from Ethiopia. I’m currently working on a research project on safe nutrient recovery from source separated urine for sustainable fertilizer production. I recently joined the energy and technology department (kretsloppsteknik unit) at SLU, as a licentiate student to do my research project. The project focuses on… Continue reading Natnael Girma, new PhD student to work on fate of pharmaceuticals & ARG in dried urine fertiliser

Urine drying piloted in collaboration with peeKeep in Arles, France


In October 2019, Jenna Senecal travelled to Arles, France, to connect with Nick Davies from peeKeep. Nick has designed a new toilet and cabin and wanted to test how our alkaline dehydration technology could be integrated. The toilet uses a conveyer belt to transport the excreta and toilet paper to a drying chamber outside (the… Continue reading Urine drying piloted in collaboration with peeKeep in Arles, France

Ny masteruppsats ute: Teknikutvärdering av Urinsortering i Pilotskala – ett Fältförsök i Finland


Masteruppsatsen Teknikutvärdering av Urintorkning i Pilotskala – ett Fältförsök i Finland (författare Caroline Karlsson) finns nu publicerad på DiVA. I det spännande masterprojektet testades urinsorteringsteknologin för första gången i fältförhållanden på en militäranläggning i sydvästra Finland. Uppsatsen kan läsas på:

Technical Evaluation of Urine Drying in Pilot Scale – a Field Experiment in Finland


The master thesis, Technical Evaluation of Urine Drying in Pilot Scale – a Field Experiment in Finland (author Caroline Karlsson), is now published at the DiVA portal. In this interesting master project the urine drying technology was tested for the first time in field conditions at a military base in southwestern Finland. For more information:… Continue reading Technical Evaluation of Urine Drying in Pilot Scale – a Field Experiment in Finland

Pharmaceutical pollution of water resources in Nakivubo wetlands & Lake Victoria, Uganda


This study investigated the occurrence and removal in wastewater and water bodies in Nakivubo wetland area and Inner Murchison Bay, Lake Victoria, of common prescription and non-prescription pharmaceutically-active substances (PhACs) sold in Kampala city, Uganda. A questionnaire was sent to 20 pharmacies in Kampala, to identify the most commonly sold PhACs in the city. During… Continue reading Pharmaceutical pollution of water resources in Nakivubo wetlands & Lake Victoria, Uganda

Fecal sludge & sewage treatment infrastructure investments & operating costs in Kampala, Uganda


Like many low-income countries, Uganda is struggling to provide sanitation to its inhabitants. Meeting the Sustainable Development Goal related to sanitation (SDG6) will require major investments in sanitation. This study uses the concept of service regimes to analyze existing sanitation infrastructure and services and their respective costs. The service regimes investigated are the sewage regime… Continue reading Fecal sludge & sewage treatment infrastructure investments & operating costs in Kampala, Uganda

Pressmeddelande: Kväve bör prioriteras högre än fosfor vid återvinning av näring från avlopp


Fosfor har länge starkt prioriterats vad gäller återvinning från avlopp och i direktivet till den sittande slamutredningen är fosfor det enda näringsämnet som nämns. Kväve bör dock prioriteras högst enligt en ny utvärdering av kriterier kopplade till användning av icke förnybar resurs, sårbarhet, och potentiellt minskad klimatpåverkan.   Vid prioritering av återvinning från avlopp betonas ofta… Continue reading Pressmeddelande: Kväve bör prioriteras högre än fosfor vid återvinning av näring från avlopp

Press Release: Nitrogen should be given higher priority than phosphorus when recovering plant nutrients from wastewater


Phosphorus has long been the highest priority when recovering plant nutrients from sewage. However, nitrogen should be given top priority according to a new evaluation of criteria linked to the use of non-renewable resources, vulnerability, and potentially reduced climate impact.  When prioritizing recovery from wastewater, phosphorus often emphasised as it is necessary for all life… Continue reading Press Release: Nitrogen should be given higher priority than phosphorus when recovering plant nutrients from wastewater