New publication on fate of Ascaris at various pH, temperature and moisture levels


A new study assessed the inactivation of Ascaris eggs under various conditions and observed that the exposure of Ascaris eggs to elevated pH (10.5–12.5) at temperatures <27.5 °C for >70 days had no effect on egg viability. To accelerate the inactivation of STH, an increase in the treatment temperature is more effective than pH increase.… Continue reading New publication on fate of Ascaris at various pH, temperature and moisture levels

Process efficiency and ventilation requirement in BSFL composting of substrates with high water content


Our latest publication on BSFL composting entitled Process efficiency and ventilation requirement in black soldier fly larvae composting of substrates with high water content has been recently published in Science of the Total Environment. In this study we investigated the impact on increasing substrate water content on the process efficiency in black soldier fly larvae… Continue reading Process efficiency and ventilation requirement in BSFL composting of substrates with high water content

New Publication on drying human urine using different alkaline media & temperatures


In a study recently published in Science of the Total Environment, we present results from a study that investigated drying of fresh source-separated human urine in five different alkaline media (pH > 11) at elevated temperatures (50 and 60 °C) with minimal loss of urea, urine’s principal nitrogen compound. We found that it was possible to concentrate urine 48… Continue reading New Publication on drying human urine using different alkaline media & temperatures

Online public PhD defence of Claudia Cossio on June 4


Claudia Cossio, who has been co-supervised by Jennifer McConville from our research group will present her PhD thesis on the 4th of June. The thesis is titled “A Journey towards Sustainable Small Wastewater Treatment Systems in Low and Lower–Middle Income Countries” and her focus has been on Bolivia. Where: Link to thesis: Opponent:… Continue reading Online public PhD defence of Claudia Cossio on June 4

Ida Helgegren – PhD Defense on 19th May


Ida Helgegren, a PhD student at Chalmers who has been co-supervised by Jennifer McConville from our research group will present her thesis on 19th May. Her thesis title is “Understanding the Roles of Stakeholders in the Water and Sanitation Sector- Implementation and Operation of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in the Kanata metropolitan region, Bolivia“.… Continue reading Ida Helgegren – PhD Defense on 19th May

Comparing treatment options for nutrient-recovery from fecal sludge


The latest publication from our project in Uganda is on-line. We present a multi-criteria assessment method for planning and decision-making related to options for recovering nutrients from fecal sludge. We apply the method to the case of Kampala, Uganda. However, we start with a broad list of potential technologies and there are quite a few… Continue reading Comparing treatment options for nutrient-recovery from fecal sludge

Luis successfully defended his PhD thesis!


Luis Fernando Perez Mercado successfully defended his thesis “Farm-based technologies for management of risks from irrigation with wastewater-polluted sources in Cochabamba, Bolivia” on April 16. Link to thesis: A totally new concept with having the evaluation performed over link. All was working well and the defence was a success! Pictures from defence:

Kretsloppsteknik at SciFest 2020


We at Kretsloppsteknik have been very active in community outreach and in engaging the public with our research and educational activities. Continuing this tradition, this week you find us at Fyrisov in Uppsala where we have a booth to participate in SciFest 2020 – an inspirational science festival for school students, young researchers and innovators… Continue reading Kretsloppsteknik at SciFest 2020

New urine-diverting toilet & test bed for drying urine inaugurated at SLU


On 7th February, we inaugurated our new urine-diverting toilet here at the department of energy and technology, at SLU’s Ultuna campus. The installation was made possible due to a grant from SLU-climate fund that financed the installation together with the Save! Urine diverting flushed toilet from Laufen and SLU’s landlord Akademiska hus. The existing conventional… Continue reading New urine-diverting toilet & test bed for drying urine inaugurated at SLU