Sustainable technologies to meet the future needs for sanitation


Is it possible to reduce the water footprint of a city to 1/10th of its current value without sacrificing any comfort? What does circular economy mean for sanitation systems? How important is phosphorous for food production? How can source separation systems improve nutrient cycling in the environment? Can we produce biodiesel from algae grown in… Continue reading Sustainable technologies to meet the future needs for sanitation

Emerging solutions to the water challenges of an urbanizing world


How do we tackle the unprecedented increase in nutrient emissions in the world? How much nitrogen is emitted by agriculture and wastewater treatment? In her presentation at SLU, Professor Tove Larsen from EAWAG, Switzerland analyses the current wastewater treatment situation in various regions in the world. She suggests urine source separation can be part of… Continue reading Emerging solutions to the water challenges of an urbanizing world

Improving wastewater treatment plants for increased nutrient recovery


Dr. David Gustavsson, Research Leader at Sweden Water Research loves centralized wastewater treatment plants! He starts his presentation saying…“I really love these plants”. At a symposium filled with people discussing the possibility of taking sanitation off the grid, that’s quite a statement to make. Jokingly, he further comments, “….should I leave now?”. How good are… Continue reading Improving wastewater treatment plants for increased nutrient recovery

The Future of Sanitation – a return to circular systems


Is urine diversion a new concept? In his presentation at SLU, Jan-Olof Drangert, Assoc. Prof. at Linköping University traces the evolution of sanitation and nutrient recycling in Sweden over the years. He suggests that, water-based sanitation used in the 20th century may have been just a brief detour in human history as we’ve strongly relied… Continue reading The Future of Sanitation – a return to circular systems

Urine Diversion in Durban – Has it exceeded the original vision?


The eThekwini Municipality in the greater Durban region with its 80,000 urine diverting toilets is often highlighted as a success story for dry sanitation. In a recent presentation at SLU, Professor Chris Buckley, Head of the Pollution Research Group at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa reflected on the eThekwini case study. Curious to know whether or not… Continue reading Urine Diversion in Durban – Has it exceeded the original vision?

How to get the best value out of organic waste?


Municipalities are expected to provide solid waste management to their inhabitants, funded by tax revenue or/and waste treatment fees. In many low and middle income countries, municipalities however struggle to provide an adequate level of service; in such places the informal sector plays a major role in the collection and treatment of solid waste. In… Continue reading How to get the best value out of organic waste?

Hur fås högsta värdet ur biologiskt nedbrytbart avfall?


Kommuner förväntas tillgodose sina invånare med avfallshantering, vilket finansieras med skatteintäkter och/eller avfallshanteringsavgifter. I många låg-, och medel-inkomstländer kämpar kommunerna med att tillgodose en acceptable servicenivå och på dessa ställe sköter den informella sektorn ofta stora delar av insamlingen och behandlingen av avfallet. Till skillnad från plast-, och metallfraktionerna, sköter inte den informella sektorn om… Continue reading Hur fås högsta värdet ur biologiskt nedbrytbart avfall?

Licentiate Seminar: Luis Fernando Perez Mercado


Luis Fernando Perez Mercado, Doctoral Candidate at the Environmental Engineering Unit, Department of Energy and Technology will defend his licentiate thesis entitled, On-farm filtration technology for pathogen reduction: Reuse of low hygienic quality water for vegetable irrigation. When?: 24 October 2017 at 13:30 Where?: Lecture Room 2034, MVM house, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences For further… Continue reading Licentiate Seminar: Luis Fernando Perez Mercado

Licentiate Seminar: Jenna Senecal


Jenna Senecal, Doctoral Candidate at the Environmental Engineering Unit, Department of Energy and Technology will defend her licentiate thesis entitled, Urea stabilisation and dehydration for urine-diverting toilets: System and hygiene evaluation. When?: 24 October 2017 at 09:00 Where?: Lecture Room S, Ulls hus, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala For further information, get in touch with… Continue reading Licentiate Seminar: Jenna Senecal