New publication on the drying of ion-exchanged human urine


In a recent study published in Water Research, members of the Kretsloppsteknik group investigated the possibility of alkalising human urine by anion-exchange and dehydrating urine into a dry fertiliser powder.Fresh urine was passed through an ion-exchanger, stabilised by alkalisation (pH >10), added to an alkaline media (wood ash/alkalised biochar) and dehydrated Simha, P., Senecal, J.,… Continue reading New publication on the drying of ion-exchanged human urine

BONUS RETURN annual meeting and regional learning event in Helsinki


PhD-candidate Solveig Johannesdottir and researcher Jennifer McConville participated in the annual BONUS RETURN meeting in Helsinki 28th-29th of May. The internal meeting was followed by a regional learning event on the 30th, where external partners were invited to participate. The learning event started with an introduction to the RETURN project, followed by presentations and panel discussion… Continue reading BONUS RETURN annual meeting and regional learning event in Helsinki

BONUS RETURN annual meeting and regional learning event in Helsinki


Doktorand Solveig Johannesdottir och forskare Jennifer McConville deltog i det årliga mötet för projektet BONUS RETURN I Helsingfors 28-29 maj. De två interna dagarna avslutades med en dag för externa deltagare för kunskapsutbyte och diskussioner kring cirkulär ekonomi den 30e maj. Dagen startades med en presentation om RETURN projektet, följt av presentationer av Akko Karlsson… Continue reading BONUS RETURN annual meeting and regional learning event in Helsinki

Workshop on Systematic Review Methods


Solveig Johannesdottir, doctoral candidate in our research group, attended a workshop in Systematic Review Methods in Warszaw 17-18th of May. The workshop was held by Mistra Council for Evidence Based Environmental Management, endorsed by the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence. The workshop was led by Neal Haddaway and Biljana Macura, both at the Stockholm Environment Institute.… Continue reading Workshop on Systematic Review Methods

Workshop on Systematic Review Methods


Solveig Johannesdottir, doktorand i gruppen, deltog i en workshop om Systematic Review Methods i Warszawa den 17-18 maj. Workshopen organiserades av Neal Haddaway och Biljana Macura, från Stockholm Environment Institute, och hölls av Mistra Council for Evidence Based Environmental Management och Collaboration for Environmental Evidence. Under workshopen fick deltagarna kunskap om Systematic Reviews och Systematic… Continue reading Workshop on Systematic Review Methods

Bryts läkemedelsrester i avloppsslam ned under lagring?


Hur mycket läkemedelsrester bryts ned i slam under lagring undersöks i projektet Reduktion av läkemedel och andra organiska miljöföroreningar under lagring/efterbehandling av avloppsslam. Ett storskaligt lagringsförsök med ca 430 ton slam fördelade på 6 olika varianter på slamlagring startade under tisdagen och onsdagen 29-30/5 på Hovgårdens avfallsanläggning i Uppsala samarbete mellan Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet SLU, Svenska… Continue reading Bryts läkemedelsrester i avloppsslam ned under lagring?

Our fly larvae composting research is featured in a Swedish journal “Forskning & Framsteg”


Cecilia Lalander, the researcher leading fly larvae composting research at the Environmental Engineering group, has been interviewed by Anna Froster for the Swedish popular scientific journal Forskning & Framsteg. The article discusses various issues and achievements around the use of black soldier fly larvae to convert waste to value. Among others, the benefits discussed are… Continue reading Our fly larvae composting research is featured in a Swedish journal “Forskning & Framsteg”

Ni hao!


Between 4-20th of May, four members of our fly larvae composting team (Cecilia Lalander, Evgheni Ermolaev, Giulio Zorzetto and Viktoria Wiklicky) left their natural habitat in Sweden (desks and greenhouse) and traded it for a temporary new home a bit further east: China. Their first stop was Fuyang, a city considered “small” by Chinese standards,… Continue reading Ni hao!

Questionnaire design and mangement course


Prithvi Simha, Doctoral Candidate in our research group attended a week long course between 14-18 May 2018, in Kaunas, Lithuania. The course was organised by the Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University (NOVA) Network and co-ordinated by Prof. Ulf Emanuelson, SLU. The course tackled several key issues regarding the design of questionnaires, respondent psychology, biases, and statistical… Continue reading Questionnaire design and mangement course