Demonstrations biokolsanläggningar för småskalig avloppsrening finansierades av Naturvårdsverket


Naturvårdsverket beslutade att bevilja Sahar Dalahmeh, forskare på Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet 475 000 kronor för projektet “Demonstrationsprojekt av biokolsanläggningar för småskalig avloppsrening”. Projektet avser att skala upp laboratoriesystemet till full skala modul som behandlar avloppsvatten avsende övergörande ämne och mikroföroreningar. Det som utvärderas är systemets funktion och behandling förmåga samt utgående vatten kvalité. Projektsperiod är September… Continue reading Demonstrations biokolsanläggningar för småskalig avloppsrening finansierades av Naturvårdsverket

What does the term ‘ecotechnology’ mean?


In 2015, the term ‘ecotechnology’ was used as one of the themes for a funding call by the joint Baltic Sea research and development programme BONUS. The call defined areas where ecotechnologies could be applied, but did not explicitly define the term itself.  Against this backdrop, researchers including Jennifer McConville from our group decided to systematically review the literature on… Continue reading What does the term ‘ecotechnology’ mean?

Summer School Insects as Food and Feed


Last week, Viktoria Wiklicky from our research group participated in the Summer School “Insects as Food and Feed – from producing to consuming” organised by Wageningen University.  The summer school looked at various aspects of the insect food and feed chain, from from genetics to farming, handling/logistics, processing, marketing and consumption. The course was very well received… Continue reading Summer School Insects as Food and Feed

The 6th Dry Toilet Conference, Finland


Prithvi Simha, PhD student at kretsloppsteknik, participated in the 6th International Dry Toilet Conference that was held in Tampere, Finland, between 22-24 August. Prithvi presented our ongoing research on alkaline urine dehydration technology and shared experiences of installing & operating a household-scale urine dehydration unit for three months at the SLU campus. 

New Publication: Hygiene aspects of urine drying technology


In a new paper published in Water Research, Senecal et al. assessed what hygienic health risks may occur when human urine is dehydrated. The experiment was set up to simulate that the last person using the toilet (before the dehydration medium is changed) is contaminating the medium with misplaced faeces, with no time for dehydration of… Continue reading New Publication: Hygiene aspects of urine drying technology

Research exhibition at University of Dar es salaam


Alice Isibika, PhD candidate at Kretsloppsteknik, participated in University of Dar es salaam’s Research Week Exhibition. The event showcased research, innovation, public service and knowledge exchange activities of the university’s academic staff and students to the public. In the post-graduate student projects category, Alice was placed third winner at the first phase and the second winner at… Continue reading Research exhibition at University of Dar es salaam

Avloppets kväve och humus bör också återvinnas


Replik i Dagens Nyheter till Miljöministerns debattartikel. I en repliken argumenterar Håkan Jönsson och Björn Vinnerås tillsammans med 12 andra personer för att man måste titta bredare än att återvinna fosfor ur avloppsslam om man vill öka hållbarheten.

New publication: Will Indian consumers eat urine-fertilised food?


Decentralised sanitation technologies based on source separation of toilet waste have attracted a lot of research attention – the social sustainability of these technologies, not so much. To attempt to fill this gap, members of the Kretsloppsteknik group collaborated with researchers at VIT University, to explore what food consumers in India think of urine recycling. The… Continue reading New publication: Will Indian consumers eat urine-fertilised food?