Prithvi Simha speaks to SAfm radio station in South Africa about urine drying


This week, following our article on urine recycling in The Conversation UK, Prithvi Simha from the group was invited for a live radio broadcast by SAfm, South Africa’s national public radio station, operated by the South African Broadcasting Corporation. The show is called Late Night Conversation with Patricia Ntuli. During the 30 minute interview, Prithvi and Patricia spoke… Continue reading Prithvi Simha speaks to SAfm radio station in South Africa about urine drying

Olof Sundström to work with plant growth trials with several organic fertilizers


Hello! My name is Olof Sundström and I just started working as a research assistant at the Environmental Engineering group. I graduated as a Soil/Crop Agronomist this June and I have been looking forward to start working. Stockholm is my hometown but most of my family is from the greater Uppsala area. My interest for… Continue reading Olof Sundström to work with plant growth trials with several organic fertilizers

REWAISE – the new EU H2020 project piloting urine drying in Malmö


The 5-year European H2020 Project REWAISE has just started, involving 24 partners from 11 different European countries, and is led by Aqualia. It aims to shift the paradigm from a linear to a circular, water smart economy. As a part of this project, SLU-Kretsloppsteknik is a linked third partner with the aim to build and install its… Continue reading REWAISE – the new EU H2020 project piloting urine drying in Malmö

We found a way to turn urine into solid fertiliser – it could make farming more sustainable


It’s likely that most of the food you’ll eat today was not farmed sustainably. The global system of food production is the largest human influence on the planet’s natural cycles of nitrogen and phosphorus. How much crops can grow is limited by the amount of these two elements in the soil, so they’re applied as… Continue reading We found a way to turn urine into solid fertiliser – it could make farming more sustainable

Launching the Guide to Sanitation Resource-Recovery Products & Technologies


We are pleased to announce the we will soon be publishing a Guide to Sanitation Resource-Recovery Products & Technologies! To launch this publication we are hosting a webinar on the SuSanA forum. When? 22nd of October, 2020 between 14:00-15:00 CEST. Details and registration can be found on this link: This Webinar is organized by… Continue reading Launching the Guide to Sanitation Resource-Recovery Products & Technologies

Publication on field testing alkaline urine dehydration at pilot-scale in Finland


In early 2019, we designed and installed a pilot shell system to dry fresh urine collected from about 100 toilet users each day (or a maximum of 30 liters of urine day-1). The system was implemented at a Finnish army training ground (Camp Mauri) belonging to Pori Brigade, which is a garrison in Säkylä, Finland… Continue reading Publication on field testing alkaline urine dehydration at pilot-scale in Finland

New Post Doc in the group will work on wastewater sustainability assessment


My name is Priscila Lima and I have just started a postdoc within the Environmental Engineering group. I am originally from Brazil and I have lived in the US and in Denmark for some time. I am an Environmental Engineer that has been working with solid waste management systems ever since my bachelor’s thesis. Most… Continue reading New Post Doc in the group will work on wastewater sustainability assessment

EVAS – a practical tool to assess the sustainability of small wastewater treatment systems in low and lower-middle-income countries


Claudia Cossio, a former PhD student affiliated with the group, has published an article regarding the development and application of an Excel-based tool to holistically evaluate the sustainability of existing wastewater treatment plants  in low and middle income countries. Many small wastewater treatment systems (WWTSs) in low and lower-middle income countries face challenges to achieve… Continue reading EVAS – a practical tool to assess the sustainability of small wastewater treatment systems in low and lower-middle-income countries

New book chapter discusses alkaline urine dehydration at scale


In a bio-based circular economy, domestic wastewater has a significant role to play. By separating wastewater into different fractions at the source, it is possible to create new pathways for recycling resources. In a book chapter published in Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Simha et al. discuss about the most nutrient-rich wastewater fraction, human… Continue reading New book chapter discusses alkaline urine dehydration at scale