Visita de campo a la casa del profesor Håkan Jönsson


Hoy, el profesor Håkan Jönsson, Pernilla Tidåker y Prithvi Simha coordinaron la visita de estudiantes del programa de maestría de Sistemas de Alimentos Sostenibles en SLU, a la casa de Håkan, quien ha diseñado un sistema local donde la mayor parte de los nutrientes son reciclados como fertilizante en el jardín. Hace tiempo que Håkan… Continue reading Visita de campo a la casa del profesor Håkan Jönsson

Curso: Sistemas de innovación en bioeconomía circular (Helsinki)


Alice Isibika y Prithvi Simha, estudiantes de doctorado en nuestro grupo (Kretsloppsteknik) estuvieron en Helsinki del 19 al 23 de agosto de 2019 para participar en el “Curso avanzado de sistemas de innovación en bioeconomía circular”. El curso fue organizado por la profesora Anne Toppinen de la Universidad de Helsinki (Facultad de Agricultura y Silvicultura).… Continue reading Curso: Sistemas de innovación en bioeconomía circular (Helsinki)

Social aspects of recycling household wastes: perspectives from Jordan


We were at the Hashemite University in Jordan last week, teaching a group of young students how we can safely recycle different household waste fractions. As part of this week-long course, we organised a day of interactive seminars and a role playing game to improve awareness among the students about the psychology, decision making, and… Continue reading Social aspects of recycling household wastes: perspectives from Jordan

Robert Almqvist går med i kretsloppsteknik för sitt masterprojekt


Hej, mitt namn är Robert Almqvist och jag skriver mitt examensarbete i Biologi på institutionen för energi och teknik. Jag är inskriven mark/växt-agronom på SLU Uppsala sedan 2014. I mitt examensarbete kommer jag att titta på fluglarvskompostering och den potentiella effekt olika förbehandlingar har på aminosyrasammansättningen i larverna samt nedbrytning av lignin/cellulosa/hemicellulosa i substraten, som… Continue reading Robert Almqvist går med i kretsloppsteknik för sitt masterprojekt

Robert Almqvist joins kretsloppsteknik for his master’s project


Hi, my name is Robert Almqvist and I am writing my master thesis in Biology at the institution of energy and technology. I am a soil/plant-agricultural program student matriculated at SLU Uppsala since 2014. In my master thesis, I will look at fly larvae composting and at the possible effect different pre-treatments has on amino acid… Continue reading Robert Almqvist joins kretsloppsteknik for his master’s project

Teaching students in Jordan about safe nutrient recycling


This week, we (Sahar Dalahmeh, Mikael Pell, Annika Nordin, Cecilia Lalander, and Prithvi Simha) are in Jordan, conducting a 1-week course on recycling of various household waste fractions. The course is given at the Hashemite University, located about 50 km away from the capital city Amman. A group of about 20 very enthusiastic and inquistive… Continue reading Teaching students in Jordan about safe nutrient recycling

Kretsloppstekniks Cecilia Lalander ska hålla sin docentföreläsning!


Datum: 30/9 – 2019 | Tid: 10:30 | Plats: Lärosal L, Ulls hus, Ultuna campus Är biologiskt nedbrytbart avfall ett problem eller en resurs? Vissa hävdar att det är en resurs som kan tas till vara bättre, men varför görs det inte? Hur skulle en bättre hantering kunna se ut? Om dessa frågor låter intressanta,… Continue reading Kretsloppstekniks Cecilia Lalander ska hålla sin docentföreläsning!

Cecilia Lalander from our group is about to give her Docent Lecture!


Date: 30/9 – 2019 | Time: 10:30 | Location: Room L, Main University building (Ulls hus), Ultuna campus Is biodegradable waste a problem or a resource? Some claim it’s a resource that can be managed in a much more efficient way, but how come it isn’t? How could a more efficient management look like? If… Continue reading Cecilia Lalander from our group is about to give her Docent Lecture!

A pilot multi-module biochar filter was built and is running in a household in Gamla Uppsala


A demonstration household biochar filter has been built and is now running in a household in Gamla Uppsala to treat wastewater from a single household of 5 person. The filter has a unique design in which the biochar is used as a filter material in a multi module cabinet staked biochar of different properties to… Continue reading A pilot multi-module biochar filter was built and is running in a household in Gamla Uppsala