Waste management with insects was presented in Honour of Professor Erik Dahlquist


Thursday last week (31/10), Björn and Cecilia from the Environmental Engineering group visited Västerås and presented about waste management using insects in the seminar held in Honour of Professor Erik Dahlquist. Erik Dahlquist is Professor in Energy Technology at the Mälardalen University and has with the help of his long experience in improvements of process… Continue reading Waste management with insects was presented in Honour of Professor Erik Dahlquist

Bröduppfödda larver blir väldigt feta


Hur påverkas fett-halten och sammansättningen hos larven av den Amerikanska vapenflugan av vad den äter? I vår senaste artikel publicerad i tidskriften Waste Management påvisar Nils Ewald och medförfattare nya resultat kring denna fråga. Studien baseras på elva försök där larver av den Amerikanska vapenflugan (Hermetia illucens) matats med olika substrat baserade på musslor, fisk,… Continue reading Bröduppfödda larver blir väldigt feta

New publication on pre-treatment of banana peels for BSFL composting


Alice Isibika and co-authors have published a new study in the journal Waste Management, on the application of pre-treatments prior BSFL treatment of banana peels as a fibrous and nutrient imbalanced substrate to enhance bioconversion ratio. The applied pre-treatments were non-protein nitrogen for balancing the carbon/nitrogen , heat and microbes(fungi and bacteria) pre-treatments for breaking… Continue reading New publication on pre-treatment of banana peels for BSFL composting

Christian Zurbrügg ansluter sig till Kretsloppsteknik som adjungerad professor


Vilket nöje att nu vara en del av detta spännande och motiverade team på SLU!! Min hemmabas är på Sandec, avdelningen för sanitet, vatten och fast avfall för utveckling, vid det schweiziska federala institutet för vattenvetenskap och teknik (Eawag). På Sandec har jag arbetat sedan 1998, först som fastighetsforskare och sedan som chef och sedan… Continue reading Christian Zurbrügg ansluter sig till Kretsloppsteknik som adjungerad professor

Christian Zurbrügg joins Kretsloppsteknik as Adjunct Professor


What a pleasure to now be part of this exciting and motivated team at SLU !! My home-base is at Sandec – the Department of Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), where I have been working since 1998, first as tenure track researcher… Continue reading Christian Zurbrügg joins Kretsloppsteknik as Adjunct Professor

Anastasija Vasiljev interning with the urine drying project


My name is Anastasija Vasiljev. I am a Serbian girl finishing my environmental engineering bachelor’s at South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences in Finland. I only have an internship and a thesis left to complete, before I am fully done with my program. At SLU, I will be working as a part of the urine drying… Continue reading Anastasija Vasiljev interning with the urine drying project

Removal of Selected Pharmaceuticals and Personal Products in Wastewater Treatment Plant in Jordan


In collaboration Othman Masahgbeh (RSS- Jordan) and other researchers in Lincoln University, Sahar Dalahmeh from our group has published an article “Removal of Selected Pharmaceuticals and Personal Products in Wastewater Treatment Plant in Jordan” in the journal, Water. The authors concluded that the highest average concentrations of personal care products (PPCPs) which were detected in… Continue reading Removal of Selected Pharmaceuticals and Personal Products in Wastewater Treatment Plant in Jordan

Feature Paper Invitation: Special Issue “Biochar for the Environmental Wastewater Treatments” in Applied Sciences


The following special issue which Sahar Dalahmeh from our research group is guest editing will be published in Applied Sciences, is now open to receive submissions of full research articles and comprehensive review papers for peer-review and possible publication. We invite prospective authors to submit innovative and high-quality papers with original perspectives on any of… Continue reading Feature Paper Invitation: Special Issue “Biochar for the Environmental Wastewater Treatments” in Applied Sciences