What do farmers in South India think of human urine as a fertiliser?

Technological advances in the sanitation sector have made it feasible to safely recycle human wastes to agricultural areas to use as fertilisers. From a social science perspective, these developments open up a new array of questions: for instance, are farmers be willing to handle and use such fertilisers? How do farmers perceive such materials – as wastes or valuable products? What factors shape these perceptions and subsequent attitudes towards these practices?Foto: Feng Zhong (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

The answers to such questions help us scientists, but also people from the policy side, to identify the drivers and barriers to the development of new sanitation technologies and agricultural practices. The views and opinions of stakeholders, farmers in this case, are integral for the successful adaption of novel human waste management strategies.

If you are interested to know how farmers in South India responded to such questions, have a look at our latest publication in Science of The Total Environment.

Simha, P., Lalander, C., Vinnerås, B., Ganesapillai, M. 2017. Farmer attitudes and perceptions to the re–use of fertiliser products from resource–oriented sanitation systems–The case of Vellore, South IndiaScience of The Total Environment, 581-582, 885–896.

Prithvi Simha

Posted by Evgheni Ermolaev

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