Dr. Xiaoqin Zhou, Assistant Professor of University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) is on a three week research exchange at Kretsloppsteknik. Yesterday, at a lunch seminar organised by the group, Xiaoqin presented about USTB and her own research activities. Specifically, she talked baout “toilet revolution” in rural China and how the country is currently in the process of upgrading its rural sanitation infrastructure. The “toilet revolution” campaign was launched by the Chinese central government since 2015 to improve the sanitary conditions in Mainland China. Thereafter, several campaigns have been launced in recent years such as“ National Tourism Reinvent Toilet Campaign” and “new toilet for rural toilet system Campaign” led by China National Tourism Administration (CNTA ), now called as Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
Many of the new toilet technologies she presented are being financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, through the Reivent the Toilet Challenge China program, which Xiaoqin’s group also takes part in. The RTTC-China regional initiative includes 11 sub-grantees with different technologies from different types of organizations in academia, public/private companies, etc.