Friday afternoon, the 23rd of April, Lovisa Lindberg was standing in her office and held a presentation about larvae as a substitute for fish feed for high school students from Värmdö municipality. This was a part of BSSC’s (Baltic Sea Science Center) theme week at Skansen where they invited different experts to talk about their science projects related to the Baltic Sea. Classes from grade 9 up to grade 12 booked the lectures they wanted to attend to during this week. In addition to the lectures, they were sent material in advance to read or watch such as popular summaries about the topic or if there were any videos available. After the lecture, the work continued with a scientific paper related to the topic and the goal was for them to get an understanding of how a scientific paper is written.

Despite technical problems during the presentation where the pedagogical animations got lost, it finished with questions from the students which were both interesting and in depth. According to the coordinators from Skansen, these students were the most inquisitive students of the whole theme week and that has to count as an achievement to have succeeded in capturing their curiosity and interest for the topic.
For the future, BSSC wants to keep continue having these theme weeks and that they want the Environmental Engineering Group to participate which we look very much forward to do.