The 5-year European H2020 Project REWAISE has just started, involving 24 partners from 11 different European countries, and is led by Aqualia. It aims to shift the paradigm from a linear to a circular, water smart economy. As a part of this project, SLU-Kretsloppsteknik is a linked third partner with the aim to build and install its revolutionary sanitation technology, alkaline urine dehydration, in the Swedish city of Malmo. On the SLU side, we will work primarily with VA SYD, Sweden Water Research and Malmo Stad.
We will do this by working together with Sanitation360, our spin-off company commercialising the technology and EOOS Next, an Austrian design firm that will help design a new prototype that brings us closer to real-life implementation. Already over the past few months, SLU, S360 and EOOS Next have been intensively building and testing the prototype, which has now left Vienna and is on its way to us in Uppsala. After more testing at SLU, this module will be installed along with Laufen’s exciting new urine-diverting toilet called Save! at a toilet inside the office headquarters of the VA SYD wastewater treatment plant.
So stay tuned for further developments – exciting few months lie ahead! More info about REWAISE is found below –

REWAISE, through this 9 Living Labs will contribute to:
– Water-smart society: it will establish a common framework of digital innovations that supports alternative water management.
– New business models: REWAISE will create new market niches for the alternative products obtained in the project and will also attract investors to the innovative processes and services in water smart activities.
– New governance methods: the project will redefine the governance models and provide recommendations that can remove unnecessary legal barriers to innovation in Europe.
– Social engagement: REWAISE’s 9 Living Labs are based on an understanding of their societal context toward water smart community.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 869496
Contact: Jenna Senecal or Bjorn Vinneras