In this seminar, moderated by Alejandro Jiménez of the Stockholm International Water Institute, different aspects of employment in the sanitation sector are discussed. Rémi Kaupp from WaterAid tells us about the findings presented in a new WHO report on the Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers. Martin Mawajje from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) describe how the emptying services in informal settlements can be formalised using a case from Kampala, Uganda as example. Daniel Ddiba, from the Stockholm Environment Institute tells us about a tool they have developed called REWAMP that can estimate and compare the circular economy potential of sanitation derived products from different sanitation technologies. The last presenter is Cecilia Lalander from our group that gives an example on how black soldier fly larvae treatment can be implemented by a sanitation entrepreneur.
Please go to this link to see the full webinar (1.5 h): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENlbYmj7Bjc&feature=youtu.be&list=PL0gMdVBup-4MDGxqxrrWWfhB8blXBbjGP