Capacity of Biochar Filters for Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal

The report “Capacity of Biochar Filters for Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal” is now published at Havs- och vatten myndigheten website. Capacity of Biochar Filters for Onsite Wastewater Treatment: Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal”. In this report, Sahar Dalahmeh, researcher in the environmental technology group, has compiled her projects results on the capacity of impregnated biochar filters and two stage biochar filters for removal of phosphorus and nitrogen from wastewater in small and onsite wastewater systems.

With funding from the Havs- och vattenmyndigheten- Sweden, Sahar Dalahmeh carried out and reported the project “Biochar for small and onsite wastewater treatment”. The project aimed at developing biochar as filter material to improve the treatment of wastewater in small and individual sewers. The project showed that lime and iron impregnation of biochar improved its ability to bind phosphorus, which means that it fits well as filter material in small sewage plants. In order not to saturate the material, impregnated biochar filters  should be used as a separate filter module for phosphorous purification after main purification (where organic matter and ammonium are purified from sewage).

Two-step biochar filter with vertical flow followed by horizontal flow was effective to reduce organic material and had promising performance for total nitrogen reduction. However, the design of the filter system needs to be investigated and optimized.

To read more, please follow the following link.

Contact Sahar Dalahmeh

Post published by Prithvi Simha


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