Wild food as a safety net: Food and nutrition security during the Covid-19 pandemic.


This blogpost is written by Divya Gupta, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India; Suchita Shrestha, Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal and Harry Fischer, SLU. This article was first published by SIANI. Edible wild foods have been an important part of the diet for rural populations around the world, primarily in developing countries. They are… Continue reading Wild food as a safety net: Food and nutrition security during the Covid-19 pandemic.

What the pandemic taught us about the future of academic exchange


This blogpost is written by SLU students Emma Bergeling, Hanna Smidvik, Emil Planting Mollaoglu and Felicia Olsson. It was first published by SIANI. As a result of the corona pandemic, the embedded practices of international travel in academia drastically changed. It suddenly became customary to replace business trips with digital alternatives whenever possible. Four students at… Continue reading What the pandemic taught us about the future of academic exchange

Controlling health threats that could spark future pandemics


Written by: Kristina Osbjer, Researcher at the Department of Clinical Sciences, SLU and Technical Specialist for Animal Health, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The findings and conclusions in this blog post are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United… Continue reading Controlling health threats that could spark future pandemics

Covid-19 lessons: Wildlife as our ally, not our enemy


Written by Joris P. G. M. Cromsigt, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies, SLU. The origin of the covid-19 pandemic, like previous major zoonotic disease outbreaks such as Ebola and HIV, has been linked to wildlife and the consumption of wild meat. Although the exact source of covid-19 still is a… Continue reading Covid-19 lessons: Wildlife as our ally, not our enemy

COVID-19 and Food Security


Written by: Assem Abouhatab, Sofia Boqvist, Sara Gräslund, Ylva Hillbur and Rodomiro OrtizSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Reflections on Sweden’s Global Contribution to Agenda 2030 During a short time span, COVID-19 has spread rapidly across the globe, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths. The underlying causes of the pandemic are linked to the… Continue reading COVID-19 and Food Security