What are the effects of something that never happened?


By: Dr. Linda Engström, Department of Urban and Rural Development, SLU It is early morning when we leave a cool, overcast Bagamoyo town and the beaches of the Indian Ocean behind us. We are driving north-west towards Razaba Ranch, the area in eastern Tanzania where the Swedish company Eco Energy is planning to plant thousands of hectares of… Continue reading What are the effects of something that never happened?

Pushing back against disease with participatory epidemiology


By: Dr. Alin Kadfak, Department of Urban and Rural Development, SLU A herd of animals can be the only source of income for many families in areas like northern Uganda or southern Africa. Farmers with poor access to infrastructure and capital struggle to address and manage disease outbreaks, which can wipe out a household’s economy. Worldwide 750… Continue reading Pushing back against disease with participatory epidemiology