Drips of hope for Brazilian forests


By: Rosa Goodman, Associate Senior Lecturer at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Tropical Forestry and Land Use Management Unit at SLU. In May 2019, I went to Brazil to see if we (the Swedish Forest Agency, Stockholm Water Institute, and SLU), could set up a cooperation with São Paulo Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment… Continue reading Drips of hope for Brazilian forests

Chefs spill the beans, but where are the farmers? Reflections from the EAT Forum 2019 in Stockholm


By: Aniek Hebinck, Communicator and Researcher at SLU Global & Environmental Change Institute. Aniek holds a Ph.D. in Sustainability Science from the Stockholm Resilience Centre and wrote her thesis on Shaping Sustainable Food Systems. The EAT Forum carnival is back in town and it’s as ambitious as ever! This year’s edition is themed ‘The Science… Continue reading Chefs spill the beans, but where are the farmers? Reflections from the EAT Forum 2019 in Stockholm

Welcome to SLU’s global blog!


This blog is about global development contributing to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SLU with its mission, to develop knowledge and capacity for sustainable management and use of natural resources has an important role to play in the implementation of Agenda 2030. SLU’s global collaboration is broad and diverse and focuses on… Continue reading Welcome to SLU’s global blog!