How can we avoid another virus outbreak?


By: Maja Malmberg, Researcher at the Section of Virology at the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health at SLU and Ekaterina Bessonova, Communications Officer at SIANI. This blog was originally posted at SIANI website Few of us have ever imagined living through a pandemic. With all the global progress and achievements in medicine, a contagion seemed like something from the dark… Continue reading How can we avoid another virus outbreak?

Sustainable fish farming? Yeast and flies come to the rescue


By: Alin Kadfak SIANI-SLU Global Communicator and Researcher at the Department of Urban and Rural Development at SLUThis blog was originally posted at SIANI website Aquaculture has a tricky reputation; the fish meal is one reason why. But with new research from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), the unsustainable fish feed can become a problem… Continue reading Sustainable fish farming? Yeast and flies come to the rescue

Trees and water: don’t underestimate the connection


By: Douglas Sheil, Norwegian University of Life SciencesThis blog was originally posted in CIFOR Forest News Trees have extraordinary powers, especially when it comes to water. But such powers must be wielded with care. Trees have extraordinary powers. They provide shade, cool the local climate, draw carbon dioxide from the air, and can repair and… Continue reading Trees and water: don’t underestimate the connection

Drips of hope for Brazilian forests


By: Rosa Goodman, Associate Senior Lecturer at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Tropical Forestry and Land Use Management Unit at SLU. In May 2019, I went to Brazil to see if we (the Swedish Forest Agency, Stockholm Water Institute, and SLU), could set up a cooperation with São Paulo Secretariat for Infrastructure and Environment… Continue reading Drips of hope for Brazilian forests

The spread of African swine fever is a serious threat to Asian pig farmers


By: Gunilla Ström Hallenberg, SLU Researcher at the Department of Clinical Sciences;Division of Reproduction  The current outbreak of African swine fever in several Asian countries is causing severe impacts on the pig industry. Since the disease has a very high mortality rate of up to 100%, it is associated with substantial losses for pig farmers and… Continue reading The spread of African swine fever is a serious threat to Asian pig farmers