DevRes 2021: Takeaways that may help us in reaching SDGs in low-income countries


This blog post is written by Adan Martinez Cruz, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Forest Economics and SLU Global coordinator. From 14 June to 16 June 2021, DevRes 2021 allowed us to exchange insights on challenges and opportunities to accomplish the 2030 Agenda –with a focus on low-income countries. Originally scheduled for June 2020… Continue reading DevRes 2021: Takeaways that may help us in reaching SDGs in low-income countries

Survival of indigenous communities and forests amidst the pandemic


This blog post is written by Anudini Wijayarathna, Master’s student in Rural Development & Natural Resource Management at SLU. ‘Impacts of the pandemic on forest communities and forest resource use – what do we know, what do we need to know and how to find out?’ have been one of the most enlightening discussions that… Continue reading Survival of indigenous communities and forests amidst the pandemic

Is there a definite value of water?


This blog post is written by Jennie Barron, Professor at the Department of Soil and Environment; Agricultural water management, SLU Water is a multifaceted resource from simply being served our daily glass of water, to the complex flow through the landscapes to produce food, recreation and other ecosystem services. Because of the multiple uses and benefits… Continue reading Is there a definite value of water?

What’s cooking at CGIAR?


SLU has a long tradition of partnerships with the CGIAR, both at the institutional and individual scientist-level. The CGIAR is the world’s largest agricultural research and innovation network with 8 000 staff globally, focused on agriculture in low and middle income countries. The CGIAR is currently reorganizing and has launched a new research and innovation… Continue reading What’s cooking at CGIAR?