A food system approach to assessing sustainable and resilient farming


A recent study published by the Food System Group’s researchers Elin Röös and Bojana Bajželj study a farm that has embarked on a transition to become a “sustainable farm of the future” (in the farmer’s own words). The farm, since long a certified organic lamb meat producer, has moved beyond caring for local impacts at… Continue reading A food system approach to assessing sustainable and resilient farming

Organic and conventional Swedish pork production compared


Organic Swedish pig production according to KRAV’s regulations performed better than conventional Swedish pig production on 11 of 20 sustainability indicators if the comparison was made per kg of pork, and on 18 out of 20 indicators if the comparison was made per hectare. The indicators included both environmental, social and economic aspects. The organic… Continue reading Organic and conventional Swedish pork production compared

Klimatsmart julmeny i radioprogrammet Klotet


Elin Röös medlem i Food systems gruppen kommenterar en klimatsmart utemeny i radioprogrammet Klotet och diskuterar effekter av COVID-19-pandemin på livsmedelsförsörjningen. Lyssna här: https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/1622705

New paper on the methodology behind the WWF-vegoguide


How can the environmental impact of plant based foods be evaluated and communicated to consumers? In a new paper published in the Journal of Cleaner Production, Hanna Potter Karlsson and Elin Röös describe the methodology behind the WWF-vegoguide presented in another blogpost. The guide was developed in cooperation between the researchers and WWF in a… Continue reading New paper on the methodology behind the WWF-vegoguide

“Less but better meat” – what does that mean?


Meat consumption in the Western world has to decrease and meat production practices have to improve. Eating “less but better meat” is a strategy put forward by a number of institutions and organizations as a strategy for increasing the sustainability of diets in high-income settings. But how much is “less” and what is “better”? In… Continue reading “Less but better meat” – what does that mean?

Nu är WWFs vegoguide ute!


Världsnaturfondern (WWF) Sverige har nu kompletterat sin Fiskguide och Köttguide med Vegoguiden – en guide för att hjälpa konsumenter välja mer hållbart även bland vegoprodukterna. Gruppens Hanna Potter Karlsson och Elin Röös har varit med och tagit fram bakgrundsdata och diskuterat metodutvecklingen med WWF. De flesta vegetabilier får grönt ljus inklusive grova grönsaker och baljväxter… Continue reading Nu är WWFs vegoguide ute!

Ny kortkurs om matens klimatpåverkan från Uppsala kommun


Lär med om matens klimatpåverkan i kortkurs från Uppsala kommun och med medverkande forskare Elin Röös. https://uppsala-matklimat.se Uppsala kommun har utvecklat en ny webbkurs om hur man kan göra mer klimartsmarta val vid planering och lagning av mat. Forskare Elin Röös som tillhör Food Systems gruppen deltar i kursen och berättar hur klimatpåverkan från matproduktion… Continue reading Ny kortkurs om matens klimatpåverkan från Uppsala kommun