Evaluation of calculation tools for climate impact from milk- and beef production


The agricultural sector stands for a large part of our contribution to climate change where the livestock stands for about 15 %, mostly from ruminants. To reduce the climate impact climate calculations can be executed to find possibilities for improvements. These calculations are complex with great uncertainties. A master thesis was performed with purpose to… Continue reading Evaluation of calculation tools for climate impact from milk- and beef production



Kan det svenska livsmedelssystemet bli klimatneutralt till 2045? Förra året startade forskningsprogrammet Mistra Food Futures (https://mistrafoodfutures.se/sv/)  som ska svara på bland annat den frågan. Forskningsprogrammet tar ett helhetsgrepp på det svenska livsmedelssystemet för att undersöka möjligheterna att uppnå ett hållbart livsmedelssystem som kan leverera hälsosam mat utan att tära på jordens resurser. Programmet leds av… Continue reading Untitled