100 000 ton per year instead of 30 000 – updated data about food waste from Swedish retail stores


The elefant in the room in this new report http://www.naturvardsverket.se/Om-Naturvardsverket/Publikationer/ISBN/8800/978-91-620-8857-6/, was the new data on retail waste – 100000 tons instead of 30000 tons -, which now is based on figures reported directly by the retail chains via the voluntary agreement instead of statistics based on a few stores combined with the number of employees.… Continue reading 100 000 ton per year instead of 30 000 – updated data about food waste from Swedish retail stores

New Food waste course


If you are interested in food waste-related issues, there is an opportunity to learn more this autumn in the new course “Food waste – current situation and future opportunities.” held at SLU in Uppsala. The course starts in August and will revolve around topics covered in the new Routledge Handbook of Food waste that will also act as the… Continue reading New Food waste course