New PhD thesis: Modelling site-dependent environmental impacts of nitrogen fertiliser use in life cycle assessments of crop cultivation


Kajsa Henryson defended her thesis on November 28th. The overall aim of the thesis was to contribute to the development of life cycle assessment methodology that better represents actual climate and marine eutrophication impacts of crop cultivation, focusing in particular on the impacts of mineral nitrogen fertiliser use. The thesis can be found here: Modelling… Continue reading New PhD thesis: Modelling site-dependent environmental impacts of nitrogen fertiliser use in life cycle assessments of crop cultivation

Course in Sustainable Food systems


This autumn, the course in Prospects and challenges for sustainable food systems in the master’s programme Sustainable Food Systems was given for the second time. In the beginning of September, 46 students from 17 different countries attended the course. The course provides the students with a deeper understanding of prerequisites for food systems today, how… Continue reading Course in Sustainable Food systems