Sustainable diets: We also need to think about fat


The average consumption of fats in many populous regions of the world is below nutritional recommendations. But how do we increase fat production sustainably, when so much of the fat traces back to livestock sources and deforestation? There is a consensus that high-income countries need to reduce the consumption of animal-based products due to their… Continue reading Sustainable diets: We also need to think about fat

A food system approach to assessing sustainable and resilient farming


A recent study published by the Food System Group’s researchers Elin Röös and Bojana Bajželj study a farm that has embarked on a transition to become a “sustainable farm of the future” (in the farmer’s own words). The farm, since long a certified organic lamb meat producer, has moved beyond caring for local impacts at… Continue reading A food system approach to assessing sustainable and resilient farming

Assessing circular food systems: Fish oil substitute produced from food waste


Imagine that you buy three bags of food at the grocery store and throw away one of them before you get home. Seems crazy right? But the truth is that about one-third of the food produced today is wasted, meaning that a considerable amount of food is produced in vain. Overproduction, cosmetic standards, inefficient logistics and overconsumption… Continue reading Assessing circular food systems: Fish oil substitute produced from food waste

Assessing the Circularity of Nutrient Flows in the Okanagan Bioregion, BC Canada


Recent years have seen a steep rise in the interest in ‘nutrient circularity’, ‘closing the nutrient loop’, ‘circular nutrient solutions’, and ‘circular nutrient economy’. As part of a broader food system design project in the Okanagan Bioregion, BC Canada, we took the opportunity to help stakeholders in the bioregion better understand current levels of nutrient… Continue reading Assessing the Circularity of Nutrient Flows in the Okanagan Bioregion, BC Canada

Organic and conventional Swedish pork production compared


Organic Swedish pig production according to KRAV’s regulations performed better than conventional Swedish pig production on 11 of 20 sustainability indicators if the comparison was made per kg of pork, and on 18 out of 20 indicators if the comparison was made per hectare. The indicators included both environmental, social and economic aspects. The organic… Continue reading Organic and conventional Swedish pork production compared

Evaluation of calculation tools for climate impact from milk- and beef production


The agricultural sector stands for a large part of our contribution to climate change where the livestock stands for about 15 %, mostly from ruminants. To reduce the climate impact climate calculations can be executed to find possibilities for improvements. These calculations are complex with great uncertainties. A master thesis was performed with purpose to… Continue reading Evaluation of calculation tools for climate impact from milk- and beef production



Kan det svenska livsmedelssystemet bli klimatneutralt till 2045? Förra året startade forskningsprogrammet Mistra Food Futures (  som ska svara på bland annat den frågan. Forskningsprogrammet tar ett helhetsgrepp på det svenska livsmedelssystemet för att undersöka möjligheterna att uppnå ett hållbart livsmedelssystem som kan leverera hälsosam mat utan att tära på jordens resurser. Programmet leds av… Continue reading Untitled

Spikning av licenciatavhandling


I fredags (19 februari) så spikades avhandlingen “Food waste in the food service sector – Quantities, risk factors and reduction strategies“. Avhandlingen kommer att läggas fram och försvaras den 12 mars. Avhandlingen undersöker hur stort matsvinnet är i storköks- och restaurangsektorn, vilka risk faktorer som existerar och vad som kan göras för att minska svinnet.… Continue reading Spikning av licenciatavhandling

Miljömässiga mervärden med baljväxter som odlas och förädlas i Sverige


Svenska ärtor, bönor och linser kokade och förpackade i Sverige har väsentligt lägre klimatpåverkan än de importerade motsvarigheter vi finner i butikerna. Men om de svenska baljväxterna transporteras långt för förädling försvinner klimatvinsten jämfört med de importerade. Alla baljväxter är dock en mycket klimatsmart proteinkälla i förhållande till animaliskt protein. Att välja svenska baljväxter minskar… Continue reading Miljömässiga mervärden med baljväxter som odlas och förädlas i Sverige

Klimatsmart julmeny i radioprogrammet Klotet


Elin Röös medlem i Food systems gruppen kommenterar en klimatsmart utemeny i radioprogrammet Klotet och diskuterar effekter av COVID-19-pandemin på livsmedelsförsörjningen. Lyssna här: